Chapter 9

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My computer hates me and won't let me log onto wattpad. :(

that won't stop me I am posting on my itouch now so sorry for the wait! I am also really happy my story is number 538 on the what's hot list!!! Enjoy this chap please I made it longer then I planning but you guys are worth it thanks!!

Please vote comment or fan!!! Or do all three!! =D thanks! - Lexi

Chapter 9

Seth's POV

She looked so sad, what the heck happened?! She left and I didn't even follow her! I'm so stupid! What is wrong with me?

I wonder if she is back yet, or what if something bad happened to her! One small peek won't do no harm right? What if she's changing her clothes? Then I'll knock first.

I got up out of bed and looked at the time. 1:47AM. I need to go to sleep now, but I can't until I check on her. So it's settled I'll go check on her to see if she is here.

I opened my door and took two steps and turned right, her room was next door to me. I knock loud enough so she can hear it but soft enough so no one else would wake up.

No reply. I knocked again, still no reply. I opened the door and saw Alice, but something seemed wrong... She looked liked she saw a ghost, she was pale and her eyes showed fear.

I ran inside and tried to get her to snap out of it.

'Alice wake up!' I whispered yelled. She still didn't move. I grabbed her shoulders and shook her, but she didn't seem to see me. I grabbed the pillow she was using to cover her mouth.

'Alice, what's wrong?!' I whispered yelled again. I touched her hand and it felt ice cold, I let go and hugged her super tight to try to warm her.

'It's okay, I'm right here snap out of it Alice.' I said without even thinking. I felt her move and she hugged me back. She was shaking and I hugged her tighter, I tried to let go but my body wasn't listening to me.

I pulled her away and was shocked to see a tear fall down her cheek and I wiped it away. She looked at me and she had blue eyes. Her eyes looked so sad, and it looked so fragile as if I try to touch her secrets she'll break.

'What happened' I whispered. She looked at me as if she was deciding if she was going to tell me or not.

'I had a bad dream, I'm sorry.' She whispered and moved back from me. She looked down and it looked like she just got caught stealing a cookie. I wanted to ask her so many questions but my mouth wouldn't open. She looked at me and forced a smile.

'Ask me all the questions you want, tomorrow night. Right now we have to sleep.' She whispered. I nodded my head and walked out. I got on my bed and fell asleep.

Alice/Ali's POV

What is wrong with me!!?? I can't get close to him! What am I doing?

'Duh you obviously like him' Alex said.

'Shut up' I said getting annoyed more at myself than her. I can't like him, I'm a vampire for god sakes.

'Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed' Alex said. I rolled my eyes at her. Is it normal to have conversations with your monster only you can see?

'What should I wear to school?' I said out loud looking at the clothes I layed out on the bed.

'Ohh, wear that one!' Alex said pointing at the black skirt with fuchsia color ruffles underneath.

'With this shirt?' I asked holding up a white shirt that had a black drawn in tie and vest.

'YES!' Alex said getting excited. Apparently we found out she can wear whatever she wants to wear or wear exactly what I'm wearing. Weird isn't it? Were getting along well for now at least.

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