Chapter 4: Accepting

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The bedroom is darker than normal, scary even. But did I do what was right? I kicked Evelyn out of the room after she told me that, but was I too harsh about it? 

I didn't hear the main door open and close so that must mean she hasn't left yet. Maybe I should just apologize to her. I've had time to wrap my head around the fact that she's vampire, even if she wanted to kill me she could have done it long ago.

I swing my legs over the edge of the bed. "Well it's now or never." I whisper to myself for some encouragement. 

I walk over to the door, slow and wobbly, but I still do it. I open the door and in falls Evelyn onto my legs, the surprise and the weight pushes me to the floor. 

"Geezus you scared me! Are you okay?" I feel weight on my shoulders. 

"Yeah I'm fine. And I scared you? You're a vampire, and yet I'm the one that scared you. Shouldn't you have good hearing? You should have heard me coming to the door."

"I wasn't listening for you moving I was giving you time to adjust to what I told you, but I didn't want to leave you here alone until I told you how often I would be coming over and in case you wanted anything."

She's so nice to me and she doesn't even have to be, she must be lonely. 

"Well I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about what I did to you." I duck my head down a little ways.

"Why do you think you should be apologizing. I'm used to this kind of reaction." She looks off into the distance. 

I clap my hands. "Okay! I've had enough gloominess for one day, so what do you say to sitting in the dining room to talk."

She looks back up at me. "Well I wouldn't be against it." She stands up and offers her hand to me. 

"Why thank you m'lady." I try to hide my smile while I take her hand and stand up. 


"So... I have some questions I wanna ask you. There're not hard or anything just some true or false or a few word answers." I take a sip of my tea.

"Sure go ahead."

"Do vampires sleep?"

"Sometimes. We don't sleep during the day, but we do have to sometimes."

"Will garlic hurt you?"


"Stakes to the heart?"

"Well if you think about it that would kill anyone. Unless you have more than one heart."

"Sunlight will kill you."

"False. We are sensitive to the light though."

I lean back into the chair to think of some more. "Well I have one more on my mind, if there was more I forgot them."

"Ask away." Evelyn leans back also, she seems to be enjoying this pop quiz.

"How many types of monsters are there?" 

"Well I think it mainly depends on the location you're at. I hear that in the North there are these creatures that look like horses but have a horn on their head, there is also the people that live in the sea. But in this area the main monsters here are vampires, werewolves, pixies, fairies, and gnomes to name a few, but witches haven't been seen in a long time."

I lean forward. "That's a lot more than I thought."

"Try learning about every single one in this area until you want to be staked in the heart." Evelyn shows the motion of getting a stake to the heart and falls onto the table. "Every time when I heard that I had studies I wanted to walk into a human village just so I could get staked."

I'm laughing so hard that my sides hurt, "Well I'm glad you didn't." I take a few deep breaths to calm myself, "Because if you did I would still be wandering aimlessly in the forest right now, without any idea where I am."

"True." She looks out the front window.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want to leave but I have to soon." She sighs heavily. "My parents will be back in a few hours so I have to leave so I don't get found out." She looks to me. "So you don't get found out."  

"Well if you have to go home I won't stop you, but when you do come back could you perhaps bring some reading material for me? Any kind of book will do but I would like some spell books, I lost most of mine when the villagers chased me out."

We head towards the door together. "I will try to get some. I should be able to come back the day after tomorrow so take that time to get familiar with the house and the grounds. Also under no circumstance go past that fence." She points towards the fence. "Because if you do any of the creatures out there could get you." 

"Okay, okay, I get it." I start to push her out the door. "Stay on the grounds of the house, rest up, and wait for you." I smile at her, and she smiles back.

"Bye-bye! See you soon!" I say to her after she walks out of the fenced in yard.

I shut the door and wonder what I'm going to do. Well I need more sleep so maybe I'll worry about looking around tomorrow. 

I slowly walk my way back to the bedroom, the house has enough windows so I can see well enough without having to use my magic. I open the door and wander to the bed, when I'm close enough I drop my whole body onto the bed.

I roll over to look out the window. It'll be sunrise in a few hours, maybe I'll just get up then so I can still sleep relatively normal. I roll back the other way thinking that I'm not alone in this world. 


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