Chapter 14: Mina Moonfall

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"You're a witch." We say at the same time. 

I look her over again. She's maybe fifteen years older than me in her late 30's, she also seems well off. 

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be shocked, I knew that I was going to be meeting you at some point." She helps me up just as Evelyn and Leo break through the tree line. 

"Jacqueline!" Evelyn, being as protective as she is, see's me on my butt, covered in blood and looking really weak with someone looming over me almost threatening. 

She starts running at her with her vampire speed. "No!" I shout at her, but because of her rage my words don't get through to her, so I resort to the only thing I can. 

Because of training with her speed for the past year I use the last of my strength to stand up and try to stop her.

She notices me last second and tries to stop, but she has to much speed. She runs into me and I hiss in pain, she hears it and turns our bodies so hers is on the bottom. 

Thank the gods for all this snow. If it wasn't for the snow this would've hurt a lot more. 

"She didn't do this to me." I finally speak out. "She helped me when I was about to be killed." 

She and Leo come rushing over to us. "Are you okay Jacqueline? We heard all the noise and seen the fire in the air." I just nod while Evelyn lifts me off of her. "So who is this?" Evelyn asks, her voice almost seems like it has a growl in it. She doesn't trust her. 

"Oh, I'm sorry I never introduced myself. My name is Mina Moonfall." She stands up straight and tall. Three sets of wide eyes look at her. "Yes I know, I'm the one you have been looking for. I knew you were coming I just never thought that this," she looks around, "is how I would have met you."

She walks over to me and crouches down to my level. "Now shall we go to my village? It seems that there are some injuries that need to be taken care of." 


I'm laying in the bed at Mina's house on my stomach. Currently, it's just me and her in the house, Leo and Evelyn went into town to buy some things. 

"You know I never thought that this is how it would happen." I look over my shoulder at her, my hair moving off of my bareback. 

"What do you mean?" I slightly wince as she moves her hand over my back. 

"Well I mean the fact that our mother kept us apart. Why did she do that?" 

I grab the blanket and hold it over my breast to cover them. "What do you mean our mother? I don't have a sister." 

"Oh no." She sighs. "Well you do have a sister, a half-sister, and that's me. I'm your sister." 

I stare off into space, then snap out of it. "Wait, you're, like, fifteen years older than me and mom was with me when she died, and she did seem really young. How old was she if you are my sister."

"Well you probably don't know this, but witches live longer than a normal human does. When mom died she was about, hmmm, maybe, 145 years old. Our aging slows down around the ages of twenty to thirty years old. I wasn't so lucky and my aging is just now slowing down, so my looks age one year every so often, but not that much." 

This is a lot to take in at once, so I stand and make my way over to the chairs by the fireplace, taking the sheet with me. 

I sit down in the chair and stare at the fire in front of me. How can this be? Mom never told me about Mina before, and as far as I know, dad didn't even know. 

"Why?" I whisper, "Why didn't she tell me about you? Why didn't she tell my father?" 

Mina comes over to the side of the chair. "Maybe because she knew that her child would be the one to bring the truth to the surface. The one that could save the witches and everyone else from the reign of Henry and his wife." It fell silent. "At least you're not alone in this." 

I look at her, her face may show that she's smiling but I can tell that it's fake.

"Now let's get you back to the bed and see what we can do about that injury." 

Over the next few days I keep the fact that Mina is my sister a secret, but for some reason I see her hurrying to move things around and talking to people left and right. 

On the eighth day of being there, we hear the horns of war in the distance. 

I grab my things and pull my coat over my head and head towards the sound, upon arriving in a clearing in the forest of Slystar I see Leo, Evelyn and even Mina there too. 

On the other side of the clearing, an army of about 25 vampires break through the tree line.

"We have come for the daughter of Lillian Moonfall! Turn her over and we shall leave in peace." 

Suddenly Evelyn goes rushing forward, and stops, yelling, "Not on your undead life Dimitri Ciro!"

"Ah, the runaway daughter and bride to be. Did you miss me? Are you going to come running back to me?" He holds his arms open. 

"Never I would rather die than go back with you!" Evelyn seems like she really hates him. 

"Then so be it. If you will not give us Mina Moonfall, or you come back with me then it's a fight you want." He looks to his men. "Men lets see some blood! Charge!" 

We all prepare ourselves for a fight.


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