Chapter 1: The Village Witch

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I finally get home, panting heavily. The villagers just chased me out, again. This is maybe the 27th time since my Father died. They seem to think that I'll put some sort of curse on them and their families, just because my mother was a witch and my father was a human. I look in the mirror. A steady line of blood is running down the middle of my face. That teenager threw a lucky shot.

I quickly pull my black hair into a loose ponytail, and examine the cut on my head. It's not that deep but it'll take a little while to heal. I'm cleaning my cut, when I notice movement out of the corner of my eye. Just in case someone broke into my house I keep looking into the mirror and continue cleaning my cut. I look over to my shelf and grab some medicine that'll help the healing process.

My house being as small as it is I can see the whole house just from that one mirror.

"You know," I turn around, "it's bad manners to enter someone else's house without their permission." I finish putting the wrapping over the cut and put one hand on my waist, and use the other one to toy with the knife I have hidden within the folds of my purple dress skirt.

After waiting for about a minute a little kid, maybe 13, comes out from under my desk in the back of the house. He seems relatively well taken care of other than the fact that he seems a little under fed and filthy. Maybe his family is poor.

"Are you the w-witch?" He seem shy, scared, and worried. I calm down and walk over to a chair next to the little wall blocking the view to my bed.

"Yes I am. Why do you ask." I rest my elbow on my knee and put my head in my hand. "W-well you s-see, my father is sick. He said that he'll be fine in about two days time."

"And you need my help why then?" I look at him puzzled.

"He said that four days ago, and he seems to have gotten worse. I don't know what to do! If I lose him I'll be all alone!"

He sinks to the floor starting to tear up. "Okay, I'll help your Father. Just let me grab a few things and my cloak, then we can leave." He looks up at me beaming with joy, "Thank you! But wait I don't have anything to pay you with." He looks back down at the floor.

"It's fine," I fling my cloak around me, "I'll just leave your Father a message that he can pay me back when you have the money." I head towards the door, "Shall we go?"


His house is located on the outskirts of the town, good for us all. His house is bigger than mine, his having more than one window and hallways that you need to walk down to reach the two bedrooms.

He walks into the house, leading me to his father.

It's cold inside the bedroom, and all the windows are boarded up, maybe to keep the little heat that is still in the air trapped here. It's almost winter.

"Light a fire in the fireplace."

"But I can't. We have no matches."

I look around as if searching for the mob to pop out. "You wanna see some magic?" His eyes light up.

"Yes I do!"

"Then put some hay and wood into the fireplace and I'll show you some magic."

He runs out of the room to go gather the materials, while I turn my attention to the man on the bed. Because I'm a witch I use some magic to be able to see him. He's under the thin blankets, but even though it's cold in the house he's as hot as a summer's day.

The kid returns, "I have it all! What do I need to do?"

"Okay. Firsts thing you need to do is put the hay in first, then break the smaller sticks and put them over the hay. After you do that put the bigger logs into a hut-like shape." I instruct him never taking my eyes off his Father.

"Done! Can I see some magic now?" I look away from him to look at the kid. "Yes you can. But promise me you won't tell anyone about any magic that I use here. Promise?"

"I promise!" Even under the layers of dirt and grime I can tell he won't lie.

I point towards the fireplace and say, "Ignis," and instantly a fire starts within the hay. "Do you know how to keep it going?" He just nodded, "Okay good. Now just keep it going, that's your job."

I turn back to the Father, and hover my hands over his heart. Okay his heart beat is slow and he has a high temperature. He must have been like this for a long time for a slow heartbeat. I reach into my bag and pull out a little baggy of herbs and add it to some of the water that I brought with me.

I quickly add the water and herbs into the pot and boil it with some magic. The child is just sitting behind me watching me in awe, not saying anything or bothering me, just watching and waiting to see what happens.

It is a slow process, but it's finally done after a hour of treatment.

"It's done." I look towards the kid, "He should wake up within the hour. After he does give him some more of this tea. Also make sure that the fireplace is going at all times." I stand and shake the dust off my dress.

"I will! Thank you!" He looks hopeful and beaming with joy. So I decide to take my leave.


Hello people. I've posted a few things before but either A) Never posted them or B) Took them down. But fear not about this one I really want to finish a story for once so I will try my hardest on this one. Also this story is a lesbian love story, so if you don't like this stuff then please don't read it just to make hateful comments about it. I also put the maturity mark on it because of stuff that will happen later on in the story, there will not be details in smutty scenes if there is any, but it's there because of some gore I might add into it.

I will also take any suggestions you have in the comments below, if you have any. And thanks for reading this!

In the paragraph that's talking about the father being sick he just has something similar to the flu.

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