Chapter 16: Waking Up

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As my vision fades, and I slip in and out of consciousness many things blur by. 

I notice that Demitri is being dragged away by the few remaining vampires, Leo bringing my sister over to where I lay and Evelyn rushing as fast as she can to where I am. 

She sits down at my side pulling my body up to rest on her legs. 

"Shh. You'll be fine." I'm zoning in and out when something cold and wet hits my face and runs down it. "You . . . *hick*. . . will be fine." 

I hear mumbling in the background. "We have no choice. . . Die if. . . We'll lose both. . ." 

My body is completely numb by now, and I don't see anything, even though my eyes are open. 


I seem weightless. Like I'm floating in nothingness. Although I feel like I don't belong in this darkness. I need to leave. 

I spin around in the nothingness, hearing someone is calling out to me, the voice seems sad. I don't know who the voice belongs to, but I don't like hearing them be so sad. 

I start to run towards, where I believe, the voice is coming from, and as I'm running it starts to get lighter around me. 

As soon as I escape the nothingness, I remember everything that had happen before. 

The fight, the boy, and my injury. I quickly glance down and put my hand to my stomach expecting my hand to feel something warm and wet, but instead, my hand goes right through my torso! 

I start to panic. I died. I failed my friends, my sister, and most of all my mother. I frantically start to look around. 

My eyes land upon Leo and Evelyn. I run over to them, hoping that they would be able to see me, or even hear me. As I draw closer to the scene I notice another body next to mine. 

It is my sister. 

"I guess we both died." I turn to look behind me. My sister is standing right there. 

"What happens now?" I ask all calm, I'm not angry like I thought I would be after death. 

"Well one of us is going to 'live' again soon," she air quotes, "Evelyn bit us both just before we died, so one of us is going to go back."

We both walk over to look at our bodies. Evelyn is still holding my body in her lap, not even caring that my blood is all over her legs. 

"It's you," I look over to my sister, "I was going to die this day and never come back. I saw it long ago." She walks over to my body. "Look," she points to my hand, "your body is moving, you're about to go back. But before that, I need to do something, come stand in front of your body." 

I do as she says and I stand in front of my body, facing her. 

"Now this is going to feel strange," she puts her hands inside my head, "but I need you to know that this will help you in your journey. You will be able to see and talk to things that others can't, but just know that they can not harm you." As I go back into nothingness I hear her whisper, "We will meet again soon, sister." 


"Come on wake up, Jacqueline. I know you're awake," I hear a woman sigh next to my head. 

I try to open my eyes but it's like they're glued shut, so instead, I settle for lifting my arm and rubbing my eyes. 

"Leo, get in here! She's waking up!" The voice sounds loud as heck so I move my hands to cover my ears.

"Damn, I'm sorry. I forgot that you'll still be a little off with everything for a few hours." 

When I finally open my eyes, but everything seems off. Everything seems to be in slow motion and colorful, but I deal with it so I can see where I am. 

"It might take a while to adjust. I'll explain everything in a few hours when your yourself again."


For being the only half witch half vampire in the world, I would think that it would be awesome. 

Well, it is awesome, but if I was to go on a rampage I'm way more deadly. 

Oh, also, I can see lots of new things that others can't. Cool, but scary.

The only main one that I can see all the time though is my sister. She just walks around talking to me and giving me pointers on what I should be doing. Other things just fade in and out of my sight. My sister tells me that they are always there, but my body is still adjusting to everything that has happened to me in the last few days.


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