The Life and Times of Donald J Trump

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The day of Trump's sentencing hearing was a circus. The entire mess I had anticipated since the charges had been filed in January had come down to this. The press that had been kept at bay for the past several months was now swarming the steps of the Supreme Court, cameras at the ready.

"Can't say I didn't anticipate this." Nathan muttered as we made our way towards the courthouse. The more aggressive reporters tried to get a quote from anyone passing, but most of us knew better; some outlets wanting to sensationalize the impeachment of the president.

No one spoke much as everyone took their seats. Today, Trump wasn't even late, but rather sitting stoically with his lawyer in the defendant's box. The mood in the courtroom was an improvement on past days, but I wasn't even taking notes but rather sitting and waiting for the proceedings to begin.

Finally the judge appeared and everyone rose as he took his seat then sat down. After consulting his notes briefly, the judge spoke.

"In accordance with the charges filed the sentencing of Donald J Trump is as follows: to be removed from the office as president of the United States, to be replaced in office by Mike Pence; Vice President of the United States. Changes to be effective as of April 2, 2018, thank you. This concludes this session."

"Well that was fast." I muttered as we walked out of the courtroom.

"You know they already have their ducks in a row by the time the judge reads that." Nathan murmured.

We were approaching the steps of the courthouse, from beyond I could already hear the murmur that was quickly turning into a roar of the media outside, when Nathan changed the subject.

"Hey Ness, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight, maybe for a nice steak dinner?"

I turned and looked at him.

"Sure, why not. Let's celebrate."

Nathan grinned, his blue eyes sparkling.

"I'll make reservations later this afternoon," he winked, "see you then."

I shoved his shoulder as I walked past.

"Why wouldn't I see you? I'm stuck with you every darn day!"

Nathan's laughter was lost in the melee of the press and the gaggle of Trump supporters who were having their own pity party.

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