Nathan's Errand

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Trump  was due to be sentenced within the next week. In the meantime, things had slowed down (as much as they ever do with government) and it was back to business as usual.

One morning, Nathan was nowhere to be seen, usually I passed him at least once in the hallway between meetings or just to get coffee, which for me was frequent. I hadn't seen him since we had parted ways earlier that morning.

When I finally saw one of the senators, the woman from Alaska who had stood up for me in my tirade during the deliberations, I asked her where Nathan was.

She only shrugged.

"He said he had some sort of errand and he would be back after lunch." She replied.

I deflated, if there was one thing I look forward to it was my lunch break with Nathan.

I thanked her and went on my way. Guess I would be eating lunch by myself today.

I didn't see Nathan again until later that afternoon. When I had a free moment I accosted him in his office.

"Where have you been?" I asked. "Missed you over lunch today."

"I had something I had to do..." Nathan replied, "something personal."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Something that doesn't include your girlfriend?" I asked testily.

Nathan momentarily looked like a deer in headlights; like I had caught him in a lie. At least he had a better poker face than Trump.

"Look, Ness, I didn't mean to upset you. It was just for today, okay? We'll talk about it later, promise."

I was still uncertain, but I let it go. I barely had misgivings about Nathan, I knew he was a good guy. For now, that was all I needed to know. However, it still nagged at the back of my mind. What had he been up to today?

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