Behind Closed Doors

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March 15, 2018

Closing arguments started today and while I'm not going to put everything in here these were a bit of the highlights:

Ryan summarized what he had already been talking about for the past month driving home the big points, and Trump's lawyer talked way too much (I think) at some point everyone on Trump's side needs to get off their soapbox and face facts; the facts don't lie and neither did the witnesses!

Deliberation should be fun (note the sarcasm) is going to be a mountain of evidence to go through, let's hope people's opinions don't get it the way.


Over a way to short lunch break I looked over my journal from the past few weeks just my personal thoughts and feelings on the trial. I've been keeping a journal since I was in college, if I went back far enough I had my thoughts and feelings about meeting and dating Nathan, but that had been almost 2 years ago; several journals ago.

Lunch was short, leftovers and Ramen as we needed to be back in chambers shortly. Standard jury duty was one thing (I had been doing it since before I was elected to office, but deciding the fate of the President of the United States was a completely different thing! Yikes!

"Going with the cheap lunch today I see," Nathan commented lightly as he sat down beside me, "takes me back to our college days while we were anxiously waiting to pass our exams."

I chuckled dryly as I shoved another mouthful of the noodles into my mouth.

"No notes?" Nate teased.

I shook my head.

"Briefcase." I grunted as I swallowed. "Frankly, my brain needs a break and people are giving me a headache."

Nathan smiled as he dug into the stroganoff from a few nights ago.

"Can't say I blame you, jury isn't exactly my favorite thing either, and I thought it was boring when I was doing it 10 years ago."

"Hey, at least it isn't a capital murder case, then I'd really have a headache."

"You would think an impeachment trial would be easier to swallow."

"Speak for yourself." I replied between mouthfuls (I was pretty sure I looked like a crazy anime character about now) "I think I may actually take it easy after this."

"Is that so?" Nathan asked, "he actually looked amused, his blue eyes twinkling, "you didn't exactly strike me as the family type, Vanessa."

I snorted.

"Gee thanks!"

Nate was just about to speak again when another senator poked his head into the room. People were slowly filtering back in.

"The judge wants an answer by the end of today." He stated, "I don't think anyone wants to drag this into April."

I nodded as I wiped my mouth, last thing I needed was broth on my lapel all afternoon.

"Here here!" I replied, "Let's clear the table, I'll be with you in a jiffy."

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