The Russian Factor

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It was just another normal Monday morning for me, I was preparing for another long grind in court when the memo hit my desk. In truth, it was maybe a little longer than a memo.

I skimmed it then read it more thoroughly.

"Well, shit." I muttered. This time, however I didn't call Nathan, unlike the president's proposed impeachment this was no surprise. People had been badgering to look into Russia since Trump had taken office and like many things on the agenda (for better or for worse) it had been pushed aside.

It was only 20 minutes later I got the second memo that the impeachment proceedings had been postponed till February. In the meantime they needed senators for jury duty for the Russian investigation trial involving the FBI and Trump's campaign team.

"Oh boy..." I muttered as I blew out a breath, "I'm going to have a fun week." Sighing, I shuffled my papers and place them back in my briefcase I only had about an hour or two before I was needed in court.

I picked up the phone.

"How do you feel about take out by the Washington Monument?" I asked Nathan.

"I can meet you there." Nathan offered. "Chinese? The usual?"

"You got it! I can call it in right now."

"Right." Nate replied in a businesslike tone, "Just tell me how long and I can go pick it up."

After I hung up I called in our order then called Nate back.

"Ready in 20 they said, I think we're good if we had out now and I'll meet you back at the monument."

"Good, see you then." Nate replied, "love you."

I was still smiling when I headed out of my office, locking the door behind me.

Less than half an hour later Nathan and I were sitting by the Washington Monument our Chinese boxes in hand overlooking the pool nearby

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Less than half an hour later Nathan and I were sitting by the Washington Monument our Chinese boxes in hand overlooking the pool nearby.

"Did you get a court summons this morning?" I asked as I dug into my lo mein, "They want people in court by 12:30 PM, the hearings start at 1 PM."

Nate stabbed a piece of Mongolian beef and shrugged.

"I got a memo about the investigation, but not a summons to court. Sorry, babe, can't tagteam this one."

I pouted and dug back into my Chinese, then it was going to be a particularly long afternoon.

The scene in the courtroom was different than it had been during Tromp's trial, but no less serious

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The scene in the courtroom was different than it had been during Tromp's trial, but no less serious. Men in black and gray suits sat next to their lawyers in the front while I sat to read the rest of the Senate where I had for Tromp's trial.

Waiting for the judge to speak I opened a clean page in my notebook I kept for very important matters.

The judge was a different one from the one who was presiding over Trump's impeachment trial, however, in my mind all of the Supreme Court justices looked the same; gray-haired with black robes.

After both sides gave their opening statements, which were considerably shorter than those of the previous trial I had sat in on. Like an impeachment trial however the key were the witnesses and in this case it was those related to Tromp's campaign and members of the FBI.

The key part of the proceedings today were the beginning of the witness testimonies. This was going to be interesting.

One by one the men took the stand they were asked several questions, many I hadn't even thought about, of course that was none of my business, not really my department.

The long and short of it was meddling was involved (this I underlined several times in red pen) as I continued to listen. I seriously couldn't believe it, it was like a bad soap opera.

I knew they would be several more weeks of interrogation before this issue was resolved, then it was back to dissecting Trump's charges and calling the witnesses in relation to the impeachment case. I can safely say the only time I ever was for the Russians was during the Olympics; I wish they stuck to gymnastics and figure skating, but those weren't exactly two things you could ask Russian officials to do, but the image still made me smile.

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