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Waking up after a nightmare was always hard. Never quite knowing what's real or what's not. Trying to find reality in this mess in my head but then I heard it, banging in the kitchen. My heart jumped in my throat, I ran to the kitchen as fast as I could in my bunny slippers. What I was expecting verses what I saw were two very different things. I was expecting to see my mom cooking breakfast and my dad reading the morning paper but what I saw made my heart drop. It was Max, now don't get me wrong I love the guy but I wanted it to be them. The ones I missed more than anything, the ones I would kill to get back but I guess they're never coming back. They're dead and it's all Grants fault.

Grants pov

Waking up tied to a chair is a lot worse than it sounds especially when everything hurts. I then start to take in my surroundings, then hear two male voices arguing about a me.

" I'm sorry sir, I know I wasn't supposed to bring him here but I just thought maybe changing the plans a little bit would help in the long run." " you'd almost think you're the boss since you disobey my every order" " but sir I did follow your orders. I took the girl back home and she's going to have a pretty hard couple of days. I've told her the truth about her precious agency and her parents." " well I guess now we just have to wait and see what she does with this information."
   "  where do you think you're going?" " to check on the prisoner, sir. It should be time for questions." " okay jut make sure no to take this one home while your at it" " yes sir"  and then the door started to open and it was time to face the monster........

       Never mind it's just s kid about Rayas age but based on how scary she can be you must never judge a book by its cover, wow random. " so come here often" I asked the kid very sarcastically. Dang if looks could kill I'd be six feet under. " no I don't make a habit of coming into the room where my brother died but for you I'll make an exception" " wow I feel so honoured that you would do that for little ol me ." "Don't be, father makes me do it" haha see being annoying gets you information bet you Raya could never do that.
     " gosh you're so much more annoying than her, she was at least quiet. Do you ever shut up?" " wait what girl?" " well you're not gonna be alive for much longer so I guess I can tell you, your friend Raya she was very quiet never made a peep." "Yeah we definitely  be taking about the same person, there's no way she could be quiet even if her life depended on it."
" oh well she's very quiet if you drug her, doesn't even make a sound!
        For some reason when he said that it make me very angry, which is weird I don't even like Raya really so???

      I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice the kid grabbing a gun nor did I notice him pointing it at me, but I definitely noticed when he shot me in be gut! I looked down to see blood pouring out of me but I didn't feel any pain which worried me greatly, I was dying. I'd never get to go backpacking though Spain, see my parent again, watch my little sister grow up or tell anyone what truly happened to Rayas parents but I think the one thing that worries me the most was that no one will know the truth about the agency and what it truly is for...........

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2018 ⏰

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