First day of school

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Class passed very slowly and I couldn't concentrate cause Will was tapping his pen. I almost fell asleep when the bell rang. I left the class right behind Will and was about to say something when I heard " oops sorry dude didn't mean to bump you ". When I looked to see who the voice belonged to I saw Grant. Then Grant looked back and me and smirked. Will looked over his shoulder to see who Grant was looking at and smiled at me. "Hey Rayanna how's school so far" asked Grant. I just rolled my eyes and started walking to my locker to get my books for my next class which was algebra.

When I got to class I sat down in a seat near the back and then Will and Grant walked in and sat on Ether side of me. Although the class Grant was poking me and I just tried to ignore him but finally I cracked and yelled " what Grant what's so important that you can't wait till we get home to tell me". As soon as I finished yelling the whole class looked at me and the teacher told me to shut up. Then Grant looked at me with a confused face and asked for a pen. I handed him a pen and as soon as the bell rang and I went to get my books for my next class.
I sat beside Will in this class also then the teacher walked in the room and said " k guys we are going to do a project in pairs. The pairs are lily and Jason, Megan and Chris, Jordan and Mac, Mimi and brad, Grace and Daniel and Rayanna and William. I want a speech and essay about your favourite moment in history but you must agree". I then put my head phones in and fell asleep I woke up to Will shaking me. " um so after school where do you want to go to do our project". "My house fine with you". "Yup".
The rest of the school day blew by without a blink. I walked out of the school to see Will waiting by the front of the school. He asked if I wanted to just go with him so I could give him directions. I answered with a sure and gave him directions to our apartment. We walked up to our door and I opened it and couldn't believe my eyes in front of me were about 50 people dancing and drinking with music cranked and In the middle of the room dancing and singing was a drunk Max
I walked over to the speakers and turned off the music and then told everyone the party was over. Pretty soon it was just Will, Max and me standing in the completely trashed apartment room. I looked up at Max and let out a very loud " Max what were you thinking your suppose to be the mature one". Max just ignored me and went to lay down.
I turned around to apologize to Will but didn't see him behind me. I looked over to the couch and saw him sitting on the couch with the history book open and I went and sat beside him. We spent about a hour talking about what we could do for our project and then started on our project we got a lot done. when all of a sudden a very beaten up Grant stumbled through the door he looked me straight in the eye and then passed out.

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