The night stretched out to be fairly long. You realized when ten minutes went by in an hour. Or, you know, the alcohol was starting to fuck you up. 

As it got later, Saeran decided to join in with everyone and take some Jell-o shots. Everyone dared him to take ten in a row, and he did. It worried Saeyoung, but at least he was home and didn't have to drive anywhere.

Before you know it, the night was coming to a close. Jumin and Zen almost got into a fight over cats, Jaehee spotted Yoosung with alcohol and gave a twenty minute lecture, and Saeyoung popped a balloon and scared the piss out of his brother... literally.

The party was real fun, and probably the most remembered party (if the drinks you had don't make you forget everything). 

"I'll call someone to pick us all up," Jumin said, a little buzzed himself. They didn't drive there so it would be beneficial they all leave together.

Saeyoung was sitting at the kitchen island, eating some candies from a bowl he brought over. You plopped next to him and joined. Once the whole gang left after their goodbyes and hugs, Saeran came out of the bathroom with the reddest face he ever showed.

You insisted the boys go up to their rooms while you cleaned up. You wanted to be left alone for a little bit, and didn't feel like cleaning it up in the morning since it was likely you wouldn't really have any energy. The two of them would have distracted you, too.

You put dirty dishes in the sink and rinsed them off and picked up any trash laying around. You couldn't get the balloons or streamers down, so you left them there. They were pretty anyway, and since when did Halloween only last for a day?

As you were wiping down the island, you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. You turned to see Saeran, his bee antennas still on his head.

"Don't worry, I got it," you insisted, your speech slurred from your obvious intoxication.

"I know, I just couldn't sleep and didn't know what else to do," he said. "I looked in your room, and he's out like a light." Saeran was also obviously drunk.

"Yeah," you said. You were the tiniest bit upset since Saeyoung wasn't around you a whole lot. Well, he was, but he didn't talk to you for longer than five minutes without getting distracted. You couldn't blame him since the party was so fun. You weren't one to get upset over something like that, but your hormones were acting up.

"Are you done cleaning yet?" he asked. You shook your head no.

"I mean, I'm right about done," you explained. He watched you wipe the rest of the island and the counters. He walked over and got a bottle of whatever alcohol was leftover and started to drink it right from the bottle.

"Don't mind me," he said. He had been awfully quiet lately, and you didn't know why and didn't want to ask. Usually you can talk to him, but you decided to keep to yourself this time. At least he seemed better during the party.

"I never knew you were a heavy drinker," you teased. Saeran actually blushed a little, whether it be from you or his mind being corrupted by the harsh liquid he was ingesting like water.

"Let me live, woman," he said, sounding like some old married man. His eyes were noticeably heavy and kind of red. "I don't... usually get my hands on this stuff. Something different I guess... I don't know."

You nodded in agreement, taking the bottle from him after he set it down. You took a swig yourself. It felt like fire going down your throat, but it gave you energy.

"Hey," he said. You looked up. "You're adorable as a bat."

You never thought you'd hear such an exciting compliment from Saeran like that. You instantly blushed, nervously smiling. "And you're adorable as a bee."

Dying Liar {Saeran x Reader x Saeyoung}Where stories live. Discover now