,,It's just a ladybug, Skulduggery."

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I'm very sorry for not updaiting. I had a writers block. I think you can guess what is about to come. I hope you like it and I'm sorry for my english mistakes. Have fun reading. 😉😊

Skulduggery and Valkyrie drove to their next case. It was not long before Valkyrie gave an annoyed sigh. Skulduggery turned his head slightly to her. "What's going on?" "It's so boring." "Valkyrie, we're on our way to our new case. So please." "It may take forever for us to get there, remember, the guy is on the other side of Ireland. " Valkyrie foleded her arms annoyed and looked at the window. The wide green landscape, where every now and then a small house could be seen, appraised her. Slowly but surely she fell asleep. After about an hour and thirty minutes she woke up and noticed that they were still driving. "I've slept for almost two hours now and we're still not there yet?" Skulduggery nodded. "You're welcome to sleep, it was so nice and quiet when you slept." "Haha very funny." Valkyrie looked out the window again. They drove past a gas station. Her stomach growled. Skulduggery got it and had to smile. ,,Hungry? " Valkyrie just looked at him and nodded. Skulduggery turned around and headed back to the gas station. Once there, he refueled his Bentley right away, while Walküre was inside and picked out something to eat. Skulduggery came in to pay and then left with her to go to his car.

Once there he was about to open it up but there was something. He didn't make a sound nor did he say something. Valkyrie went over to him and asked:,, What's wrong?" Skulduggery pointed to the ladybug and baked away. ,,Take this thing away from my car, Valkyrie." ,,Why?" ,,Because I said so. So please take it away." Valkyrie went over to him and took the ladybug on her palm and went to a nearby meadow. She left the bug there and goes back to her partner in crime.

Skulduggery went inside the car and the same does Valkyrie. He startet the engine and drove of to their location.

After a while Skulduggery heard a strange sound. He though it was nothing and drove ahead. But then it comes again. He saw a ladybug infront of his nose and screamed.

Valkyrie looks over to him and starts laughing. ,,Valkyrie help me!", Skulduggery pleaded. But it was for nothing. She was laughing her ass of because the grate Skulduggery Pleasant was afraid of ladybugs. Who thoughs about that? Nobody. (I'm literally laughing my ass of about this. I mean it would be very funny if this is in the book.)

,,It's just a ladybug Skulduggery.", and shelaughed and laughed.

Skulduggery took over the side rode and jumped out the car, screaming for help. But Valkyrie was sitting in his Bentley. Laughing her ass of.

So.I hope you liked it. 😁Again sorry for my english spelling. Please leave a request if some of the words are wrong. And I'm so sorry that I couldn't update. You know, writers block. Thanks and for reading this chapter. Why do I speak?😝😂 I have school tomorrow.

Safira D. Sword

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