Searching Easter Eggs

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It was morning in the Pleasant house hold, silent and peaceful. Safira Pleasant was the daughter of Skulduggery and Valkyrie Pleasant. Her parents slept peacefully in their bed as Safira jumped squeakily into the bed of her parents. The two were awake and Valkyrie asked her what was going on.

,,Your not really asking me what is going on, mum." ,Safira asked her mother and looked at her father. Valkyrie punched him on the arm and he moaned. ,,I'm tired. Go away." Valkyrie looked at her husband and  Safira jumped on her father's back and squeaked excitedly. ,,Came on, dad! Its easter!" Skulduggery turned on his side and was facing his daughter. ,,Asked me in half and hour." Safira looked sad at her father as he turned back to his side and go back to sleep. Valkyrie rolled her eyes and her daughter crawled to her mother. Valkyrie took her daughter in the arm and carried her down into the kitchen. Valkyrie let Safira sit in her seat and make her breakfast.

After breakfast came the visit of the dead men. Safira loved their stories. But Valkyrie wanted them to take out the more violent scenes because her daughter was still too young.

After all the stories were told, Ghastly wondered where Skulduggery was. Valkyrie gave a hand in front of her eyes and Safira giggled slightly. This was her revenge. Safira walked over to her mother. ,,Can I wake up, daddy?" and made her puppy eyes. Valkyrie laughed at her daughter grimace and nodded. ,,But don't do anything stupid or you will regret it." She told her. Safira nodded and went upstairs to wake up her father. Anton looked at Valkyrie. ,, She's like her father. As soon as an opportunity for revenge has come, she takes it through." and all the dead men nodded in agreement.

Suddenly there was a high girly scream and Safira came running down the stairs. She giggled and Valkyrie knew that something was wrong. ,,What did you do, Safira?" Safira giggled. ,,Nothing. Just revenge." and burst out laughting. Anton laughed. ,, See? Told you." Valkyrie looked at her daughter. ,,Why? Safira he's going to kill me." ,,No. Not you. Me. I throw water in his face." and all the dead men were laughing. ,,SAFIRA!!!" came the voice of her father. Safira hide behind the leg of her mother. Skulduggery stood at the doorway and was wet from top to bottom. He looked at his daughter angrily and patted his foot, arms crossed. ,,Come here young lady." He said in a dangrous tone. The dead men were laughing so hard they were on to floor.

Skulduggery didn't look at them just to his daughter. Safira giggled behind the leg of her mother and Valkyrie rolled her eyes. ,,I told Safira to wake you up. It's my bad. Not hers." Skulduggery took a deep breath. ,,Then tell me, please, why she did it?" Valkyrie laughed. ,, Ok. At this point its your fault." ,, Why is it my fault? I didn't say or do anything wrong." Valkyrie laughed even harder. ,,Ehm...yes. Remember this morning and you now why." Skulduggery looked at her disapointed. ,,What do you m..." and it hit him. ,,Oh." Safira giggled. Valkyrie walked up to her husband and gave him a kiss. ,,Go up and dry yourself and I will punish Safira meanwhile. OK?" Skulduggery nodded and went up to dry himself and put on something new. Valkyrie turned to her daughter. ,,Well to you young lady you will not hear any stories of the dead men more until I say it. Are we clear?" Safira looked to the floor. ,,Yes mum."

After every thing was clear Skulduggery came downstairs and joined his friends and family. Skulduggery looked at his daughter and whispered something into the round. Everyone nodded and Dexter got up and went to play with Safira. The rest were hide and seek the presents.

After a few minutes Dexter stood up. Safira asked where he was going. Dexter grinned and went out through the back door. Safira sat there confused, and then stood up. She crept slowly and quietly to the back door. She opened the door and went out. She took a stick, which lay beside her on the ground and went out slowly and mistrustfully. Safira wondered why Dexter had not answered her. She went a little further and then she saw it. A brightly colored egg lay before her. Safira looked around and then picked it up. She looked at it and took it with her.

When she was back in the house she wanted to show it to her parents, but they weren't here. She went into the kitchen and took a basket, which suddenly stood there and went back into the garden. She searched a little further until she found the last egg and went back to the house. She put the colored eggs on the kitchen table and looked at them suspiciously. She pokked one to make sure that it was not evil and then to go further on.

Safira saw a choco-rabbit wrapped in a colorful metal package. She went over to it and looked at it suspiciously. She took it from the floor and went back to the kitchen. She lay the choco-rabbit on the table and searched the house for more Easter bunnies.

After ten minutes she had all found. Safira looked at it proudly. She had found 20 coloured eggs, 3 choco-bunnies and one big basked full of jelly beans. Skulduggery, Valkyrie and the dead men came out from their hiding place. Safira looked at them and run up to her father. ,,Look, daddy! I found all the hidden things!" Skulduggery giggled. ,,Yes you did, did you know?" Safira nodded and Skulduggery began to tickle his daughter. Safira began to laugh. ,,No!!! Stop!!! That's unfair!!! Your...your stronger than me!!! Please stop daddy!!!" Safira tried to put his hands away but Skukduggery didn't gave up. ,,Are you begging me to stop?" He asked playfully. ,,No!!!" His daughter laughed. Safira could escape the grip of her father and sat down on the couch. She switched on the TV and Skulduggery went to her and crouched behind the armrest. Ghastly sat next to Safira on the couch and told her how they hid their Easter gifts. Skulduggery tapped his daughter's left shoulder and Safira looked around. She looked at Ghastly, but he shrugged. She looked behind the couch and over the armrest of Ghastly. She also looked at the right armrest and found her father sitting down there. "Dad? What are you doing down there?" ,,Nothing, sweet. Just searching for needles. " Valkyrie laughed at the scene before her. She found it cute how good Skulduggery is  with children. When she met him years ago she had never thought of it. Safira turned back to Ghastly and Skulduggery tapped her shoulder again. This was going 3 times. At the fourth time, Safira noticed and looked at her father. "You were it all the time. I knew it." Safira jumped at her father and tickled him to death. ,,No!!! Stop!!! I can't...anymore!!" Skulduggery laughed. "The second revenge in one day," said Erskine, "you have to manage that." Said Saracen, lying on the floor laughing. Just like the rest.

So. Another chapter. I hope you enjoy it. It is longer than the other chapters I wrote. So yeah. Don't judge me to hard please. Sorry for any English mistakes. And Happy Easter to you all.
Bb Safira D. Sword

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