We will fight her together

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Valkyrie is in this 18. I don't own the characters. Their belongs to Derek Landy. I'm sorry for my English grammar. Please write comments. 😇

Valkyrie lay in her bed. Staring strait at the ceilling. Darquesse is still in the back of her head and torture her. The others had asked her what way wrong. But Valkyrie gave them always the same answer. Sometimes she wished she could kill herself. That's what was she did every Day. She died and Darquesse brought her back to life.

Someone knocked on her door. Valkyrie new who it was. It was her partner in crime, her best friend and the love of her life. Skulduggery Pleasant. He knocked two times more and then he sighn. Valkyrie heard his sighn but she stayed how she was. Then he began to speak. ,,Valkyrie? Please? The others are here too. Tanith would love to see you." ,said Skulduggery with a sad voice. Valkyrie stayed silent. Little tears stained down her cheeks.

Suddenly the door fell of it hings and Skulduggery stared in shock at Valkyire. He gasped and yelled for the other to come. When they werde at Valkyire's room, they gasped and Tanith asked, with a sad tone in her voice:,, Valkyrie? No." She broke down and Gastly comfort her. The two went downstairs. Anton gave Skulduggery a sad glance and he too went downstairs. The other Dead Mens went with him.

Skulduggery stands silent for a moment and then went over to her. He sat down at edge of her bed and began to speak. ,,Valkyrie please. Tell me whats wrong. Maybe I can help you." he tryed. Suddenly Valkyrie spoke, with a raspy and broken voice:,, Nobody can help me. Neither you." and that was the point where she broke down and cried. Hard then so many times before. Skulduggery rushed forward and huged her tigh. Tigher then he could. ,,Who said that nobody can help you? Who..." ,,Darquesse." Now Skulduggery knew. Why didn't he know it before. ,,Oh Valkyrie. Don't listen to her. What she says isn't true." ,,But you didn't were tortured by Vile. You fight him back." ,,Yes. And you can do the same." ,,No, I can't." Valkyrie cried. ,,Yes, you can. And you will. I will always be by your side." Valkyrie broke away and looked at him. She smiled, weakly. ,,Together we will fight her." Skulduggery said and brushed a tear away from her cheek. Valkyrie huged him and whispered:,, Thank You." ,,Until the end?" ,,Until the end."

So my thirth chapter is complete. I'm so sorry for my Gramma fails. Please leave a comment. :-)

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