I though you would fall in love with a woman

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And now. My firt Sexter chapter!

Dexter Vex was lying in his bed, thinking. This can not be? Why did it have to be that person? Couldn't it be any other? He knew for a few days that he was in love with the person. But it really is that person, the dead man certainly would not have thought. Dexter went out from bed and went into the bathroom. He took a shower and cleaned his teeth. Then he went to the kitchen, took milk and cornflakes and sat down. He was just about to read the newspaper when it unexpectedly rang. Annoyed, Dexter stood up and went to the door. He remained motionless as he saw who was standing there. It was his friend. It was one of his brothers. It was his love. He stepped aside to let the person enter. The person thanks him and went into the house. Dexter looked confused to his friend. "Saracen? What do you need? Shall I help you again to drag a woman so you can fuck her? "When Dexter realized that Saracen had not noticed his 'little' comment, he asked anxiously," What's going on? " Saracen said nothing at first. Not a word. Dexter asked again what was going on when Saracen said unexpectedly, "Can I talk to you? I need some good advice from you. As a friend." Dexter just looked at him, pointing to the couch, as they sat down, he could feel the nervousness in him. Saracen said after a long while: "I've fallen in love with someone. But I do not know how to confess to the person. Can you help me? "Dexter looked at him, could it be that Saracen fell in love with him? No. Saracen would never fall for him. He would fall for a woman but not for a man. Dexter nodded in agreement. ,,Go on." Saracen said. ,,At first, you must be yourself. Second, don't hide it." ,,Why?" asked Saracen in confusion. ,,Because it is so much better. And if you hide it then the person doesn't see it and doesn't feel loved." Saracen nodded and asked. ,,Can I test it on you?" ,,Sure." Saracen took all of his courage together and confessed to Dexter. ,,I love you." Dexter nodded a little hurt. He know that he would never hear this three words. Dexter smiled and said:,, Go. And confess to your love." He pattet Saracen's back and stand up. Saracen stand up too and went to HIS love. ,,I just confessed my love." Dexter's eyes grew wide. No. This can't be happening. Inside he felt happy. Outside he remaind still. Saracen looked hurt. ,,I'm sorry. I should go and never come back." Now Dexter came back from his thoughs and realised that Saracen was near his entrace. He took his arm, twirled him around and they locked lips. At first Dexter though Saracen would push him away. But he melted into the kiss. After a long while they pulled apart and looked in each others eyes. Dexter was the first who spoke:,, I love you too." Saracen grinned and kissed him again. This kiss was short, but it meant more. ,,And I though you would fall for a woman." Saracen laughed. ,,I though that too.", said Dexter. They kissed again and again and...well lets guess they kissed multiple times more.

I had really done this. :-D
A Sexter fanfiction. In future I will write a little bit more. And I shoud go sleep. This chapter took loooong. Very long. Good Night.

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