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Warlord is in the main room in the center of Zroxark. He looked out the window. Staring into the sky. He wants to dominate all the existing universe. He wants to dominate all the galaxies. He wants to be the strongest force. He knows a lot of powerful forces have the same ambitio. So he needs to make sure Zroxark conquer all the galaxies and the universe.

"Triiit ... triiit," reads the sensors of the big screen in his room. Warlord walked towards the screen. The screen displays a very big map. The map includes all the galaxies in the universe are available there.

"Warlord. Information entered into the coffers of your confidential information, "said a voice that comes out of the screen.

"Good." Warlord open the information submitted to him. The information comes from the Emperor's army occupied most of the universe. Warlord and his army is a military unit under the Emperor. No one knew about the presence of the Emperor and the power. Most of the galactic only assume Emperor as a myth only.

Warlord read the information that is given. Information cited the strength of a stone that is capable of producing power. The power is too great. The stone is said to exist many years ago as a result of a meteor explosion.

Warlord so focused on that information. He was impressed with the stone.

"So what's the next step?" Warlord asked.

"We need the stone. All of the stones. The map shown to you may be helping with your search for the stone, "replied the voice.

"You think it exists here? In this galaxy? I have destroyed almost all the galaxies here. No power stone like that," Warlord said.

"No. We believe it is in another universe. Emperor require it. You destroy all the galaxies so that nothing will prevent the Emperor,"the voice said again.

"The stone was so important?" asked Warlord who still look to the information sent to him. Warlord stared at the information given to him.

"Emesa? Emesa stone," Warlord asked.

"Yes. Emperor stone that will make this the strongest power. Your job now destroy all the planets and the galaxies that we are capable of preventing. Emperor will go to Andrelina. We will submit other information to you. If you have the information you need to tell us."

The voice was dismissed from the Warlord's room. Warlord just stand there. He thought of something. Emesa Stones have caught his attention. He wants the stones. Now he wants to destroy the Earth quickly and make the Earth as the center of their home.

"Andrelina? The universe is big. After I destroy this planet, I will destroy Andrelina. Emperor will not be able to get the stone."

He gazed far ouside the window. He wants to have a power that is unrivaled. But he knew that human beings are very difficult to eradicate. Now he will order all Zroxark soldiers preparing to destroy the earth.

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