Chapter 3: Did somebody burn a Smurf?

Start from the beginning

Adam was shorter then most of the other guys, he had dirty blonde hair and these light gray eyes that could make any girl get goosebumps at the sight of him. I'd known him for as long as I could remember and he was like a second brother to me.

Having another familiar face made me happy.

"Why didn't I see you with Jackie this week?" I said releasing from our hug.

"I got here a little later then expected. You know how Nana gets when she has her heart set on something, this week it was Brazilian walnuts."

Adam's Nana was one of the most dare deviling people you'd ever see, she was a traveler before she settled down with Adam's grandpa. If you sat her down and named all the exotic places from the top of your head, Nana would give you her favorite rock climbing experiences from each and every one.

All at a whopping 69 years old.

"How's Nana doing?" I said warming to the thought of her.

"Not dead."

I smacked his arm causing a throaty laugh to exit him, "I'm kidding! If she was here she'd laugh at my joke."

"Well she's not here and I'm not laughing."
I said shaking my head.

"I'll see you at that showdown thing tonight right?" he asked.

I nodded before giving him another hug and returning back to my area with Abby.

"Oh good I thought you went to Narnia or something." Abby said shooting her arrow so it hit exactly bulls eye. I stood there watching her with my mouth wide open.

"What? I've done this before." She shrugged.

"Okay Merida... sorry I saw one of my brother's friends and we chatted up for a little bit."

"Ou I see." she said winking at me, it came off kind of disturbing seeing how she had no idea how to wink and it looked more like a distorted blink.

"Ew Abby! That would be like kissing your uncle." I said a disgusting image of me and Uncle Adam running through my brain.

"You mean how Stefan kissed Elena?" She said smirking at me.

"Here we go again."

• • •

"I like that shirt baby sis." Jackson said sitting in the seat behind me.

"Didn't you get this for me?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Actually one of my hook ups left it in my room so I just passed it off as a gift to you."

The look on my face sent him spiraling out laughing.

Remind me to burn this shirt.

"Attention campers!" Rodney yelled from the stage like platform he was standing on.

Everyone was gathered around the outside auditorium and was seated on the stones seats that were strangely warm seeing how it was 8pm.

Rodney was the owner of the camp? The principle? Honestly I didn't know what to call him seeing as how I was clueless to basic camp lingo. I barely knew what my cabin's name was, let alone the terms of Rodney's position at camp.

"How's the first week at camp been so far!" He yelled making everyone cheer with enthusiasm.


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