The Girl I Knew Somewhere (Micky, 2)

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Kat curled up to me as we sat on the couch. “Micky,” she said, “I have never felt this way before.”

“Me neither,” I told her truthfully.

She smiled and I wrapped my arms around her. I began to run my fingers through her hair.

“I love you, Mick,” she said.

I froze. Something about the way she said that made me think that I'd heard it all before. But where? I thought. I couldn't know for sure.

I jumped up from the couch, startling Kat, I'm sure.

“Micky, where are you going?” she asked.

“I have to talk to Mike,” I said, ignoring her attempts to make me stay with her.

She reluctantly let me leave. I ran as soon I was sure she could no longer see me.

He was working on a new song when I found him. He was so into his writing that he didn't hear me come in, or see me sit beside him. When he finally looked up he said, “Micky, man, when did you get here?”

“Just a few seconds ago actually.”

“Okay,” he said, trailing off a little at the end.

“What's the new song about?” I asked. He let me read what he had written.

“You tell me that you've never been this way before,

You tell me things I know that I've heard somewhere.

You're standing in the places,

And you're staring down through faces

That bring to mind traces of a girl,

A girl that I knew somewhere.

I just can't put my finger on what it is,

That says to me, 'watch out, don't believe her.'

I can't give any reasons, girl,

My thoughts are bound down in a whirl,

I just can't think who in the world was that girl,

I know I met her somewhere.

Someway, somehow,

The same thing was done,

Someone, somewhere,

Did me the same wrong.


So goodbye, dear, I just can't take this chance again,

My fingers are still burning from the last time.

And if your love was not a game,

I only have myself to blame,

That's as may be, I can't explain,

Just ask the girl that I knew somewhere.

And if your love was not a game,

I only have myself to blame,

That's as may be, I can't explain,

Just ask the girl that I knew somewhere.”

“Where did you get the inspiration for this?” I asked. He shrugged because he already knew that I knew. His inspiration had come from Kat.

“I've got to run,” I told Mike, who nodded as if saying, “Go for it.”

I went to find Kat. She was still sitting where I had left her. “Did you find Mike?” she asked me. I could see the pain in her eyes.

“Yes,” I said.

“Micky, you're not breaking up with me, are you?” It pained her to even think about it, I knew.

I stopped for a minute and just looked into her eyes. I knew then that she wasn't playing with me. I knew that she actually cared.

“No,” I said, “I'm not.”

The pain went out of her eyes and she smiled at me. That's when I knew that I had made the right choice.

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