Author's Note

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A/N: These are all short stories based off wonderful songs by the Monkees. Their genius must be shared! There will be a link to each song. Please listen to the song before reading the story. It will give you a little heads up on what will be coming in the story. If you happen to want one of these for you, comment your favorite Monkee, favorite Monkees' song, and your first name. The usernames in the cast list are all from Instagram or Wattpad (go follow/fan them, they are amazing people!). There will be a W or IG in parenthesis next to each username. I do not own the Monkees (of course) or their songs, or any of the characters listed along the side (in the cast list), but I do own all characters not in the cast list. This was all really random, but anyways, happy reading! :D

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