Words (Peter)

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“Girl, don't you know every time I see you smiling,

It hurts so bad, cause when I see you, I start crying,

I've tried everything to stop, but there's no denying,

That falling in love with you, girl, is just like dying...” Mike and Micky sang.

I looked to a girl named Clara, a girl I wished would be my girlfriend. She smiled encouragingly at me and I smiled back. “You're amazing, Peter,” she mouthed to me. I blushed slightly and she grinned. I don't think she knew the full effect she had on me, but she knew at least part of it.

“...Oh, don't walk away,

How, how can I make you stay?

Don't turn away...”

I flashed back to when Clara told me she was leaving town. “No, please don't,” I had begged her.

“I don't want to, I don't, Peter, but I have to,” she said.

“But why, why do you have to?” I asked. She didn't answer. “What will it take to get you to stay?” Still no answer. She had just walked away from me then. I tuned back in to the world, waiting for my part in the song.

“...I can still hear you saying those words that never were true,

Just spoken to help nobody but you,

Words with lies inside,

But small enough to hide till your playing was through...”

I remembered when this was all just a game to her. If it still was, I wasn't certain. I didn't care. I loved her anyway, and I wanted to stay long enough to make her love me. I was pretty sure that would happen, if I gave her time.

“...Girl, don't you know we could work it out with talking?

You won't look around or slow down your walking,

I've given you everything with kiss to seal it,

You had to get your kicks out of trying to steal it...”

I don't care, I reminded myself, I love her all the same.

“...Now, I'm standing here,

Strange, strange voices in my ears,

I feel the tears...”

Clara, I thought, my darling Clara, won't you love me back? I looked at her, but she wasn't paying any attention to me. I sighed.

“...But all I can hear are those words that never were true,

Just spoken to help nobody but you,

Words with lies inside,

But small enough to hide till your playing was through, ah...”

There was a short solo here. Clara was looking at me this time and I smiled at her.

“...Now, I'm standing here,

Strange, strange voices in my ears,

I feel the tears...”

“Clara, I love you,” I mouthed to her. She looked away.

“...But all I can hear are those words that never were true,

Just spoken to help nobody but you,

Words with lies inside,

But small enough to hide till your playing was through...”

“I forgive you,” I mouthed.

“Oh, Peter,” she mouthed back. I could see her sigh. Tears began streaming down her face and I just wanted to hold her and tell her everything would be alright.

“...Words that never were true,

Just spoken to help nobody but you,

Words with lies inside,

But small enough to hide till your playing was through...”

“Oh, Peter,” she mouthed, “I am so sorry.”

“It's okay, love,” I mouthed.

“...Words that never were true,

Just spoken to help nobody but you,

Words with lies inside,

But small enough to hide till your playing was through.”

“But, Peter,” she said as I made my way over to her. More tears came from her eyes. I wiped them away and just held her close.

“No buts,” I said, “It's okay, really.”

“You really are wonderful,” she sniffled, “Thank you.”

“You're welcome,” I smiled.



“I love you, too,” she said. I could tell she meant it, and my heart leaped. I was so happy.

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