Cherry red and Ocean blue meets Spitfire

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I'm 18 since Monday! (The picture is where my friend crashed on May 6th and died)

Rosa's Pov

"I booooored." I flop onto the couch aftew Watchey shoo me way! Jacky has wowk and Cee's wit him. Raphy has family mattew, and Miko has datention and bulky waitin fow hew! Oppy and Bee scoutin! (XD This is so hard to write! and I know Jack's there in the show... but not now!)

Watchey tuwned awound to say someting when a hown beeps! Bulky back! He an Mio will pawy wit me!

(A/N ok I can't type this with a straight face doing that, so I will be continuing with normal words, even though it is Rosa's point of view)

I run over to the railing and lean over the closest one, listening to Miko and Bulky's conversation... until I hear Miko complaining and drone them out, until...

"- a medic like Ratchet?" I here bulk say before Ratchey says...

"I am detecting a fresh energon pulse from the nation called 'Greece'." He successfully gains our attention. "An ancient city...Quite historic I believe."

"Ancient Greece, huh. Oh, field trip!" Bulky grins.

"Suh-weet!" Miko fist bumps the air.

"I go to!" I hop up and down, with an excited grin on my face.

CON (No Pov)

Knockout strolls into the Nemesis bridge, only to find Starscream standing with his back to him.

"Your late Knockout! I do not enjoy being kept waiting." Starscream turns around complaining.

"It was a long drive, Starscream. I'm still picking bugs out of my grill." Knockout flicks a bug off his talons to empathize his point.

"Yes, right. You're one of those." Starscream circles Knockout like prey, looking at his wheels.

"Come again?" Knockout asks, a bit confused about what Starscream was getting at.

"Never understood why any self-respecting Decepticon would choose automobile as his vehicle mode when he could have flight." Starscream gives a twirl, showing off his wings, almost preening.

"I like the way I look in steel-belted radials." Knockout defends, grinning. "I take it, Lord Megatron requires a laboratory assist."

"You might say that," Starscream concludes walking out, with Knockout following close behind.

BOTS (Rosa/spitfire pov)

Bulky, Miko, and I have just arrived in Greece! It looks so cool and old! Like Ratchet!

Greece is so pretty! Oh! Me sees a painting! I run over as Bulky tells Miko to do her homework, while he scans for energon.

"Hey, Bulkhead! Come look at this picture!" Miko yells talking a picture of the picture.

The ground shakes as Bulky moves behind us, causing me to fall on my butt.

"That's Cybertronian!" Bulky remarks with awe.

"OH! me wead it! Watchey teachin me!" I smile big, ready to help. I get close to the words and make out, "Enew-gon haw-ves-tew."

"A what?" Miko asks looking up at Bulky.

CONS (No pov)

Starscream and Knockout stand in front of Megatons comatose body.

"Sadly, our inevitably former lord Megatron has been like this for some time." Starscream feigns sadness before continuing, "But the crew took a vote, and it was decided that an expert might put him on the road to recovery."

Transformers prime: Jack's sisterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang