Spacebridge goes BOOM!!!

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OMP THE FINAL OF THE FIRST 5 EPISODES!!!!! YAY! remeber the poll is still up but the first five eps is gone so that will not be an option any more!
So without further adue Lets get started!
"Don't look down.Or up.Or left." Bulkhead tells himself more than the others.

"So Megatron's packing enough Dark Energon to raise Cybertron's dead?" Arcee asked Optimus.

"And since we don't possess ready means of disabling the Space Bridge, nothing gets in or out!" Optimus tells them getting his guns out. The others follow in responses.


"Optimus Prime never disappoints.Unlike you, Starscream." Megatron scolds starscream with a scowl.

"No need for concern, Master.Soundwave is locking on to Cybertron's coordinates per my instructions." Starscream says trying to save his own butt.


"Well, what are they waiting for?" Arcee asked, impatiently. Optimus Eyes get smaller letting him see further, and to see the destroyed space bridge dish.

"It appears the Decepticons have sustained serious damage to their interstellar navigation system." Optimus tells them what he sees.

"Uh, that's my handiwork." Bulkhead admits.

" Great job, Bulkhead.Without the dish, Megatron would be unable to aim the Space Bridge at Cybertron." Optimus praises Bulk for destroying the dish.


"Don't the Decepticons know where their own planet is?" Raf asked.

"Naturally.But Cybertron is many light years away.To reach their target, their aim must be astronomically precise." Ratchet califies.


"If Megatron went to the travel of rendezvousing with his Space Bridge, he must have an alternate targeting system.A remote one." Optimus concludes.


"From what I know of Earth's technology, I doubt there exists a single radio-telescope dish on this planet powerful enough to pinpoint Cybertron." Ratchet scoffs.

"What about a whole bunch of linked radio-telescope dishes? Like the giant sized array in Texas?" Raf asked looking it up on the computer

"Zip aip dip zip! This is not child's play." Ratchet tells him.

"Good thinking, Raf.Ratchet, have agent Fowler alert the array staff to the security hazard." Optimus orders, while Ratchet stares in disbelief.

"You, soldier! You on the uniform! Put on some pants!" Fowler suddenly says sitting up, before falling back to sleep. (A/N HAHA XD i died at that part.) Everyone has a 'what the frag just happened' face.

"That may be a challenge." Ratchet tells them.

"Wha? Getting his elp or puttin on pans?" Rosa asked. The other three humans laugh.

"I can't get past the array's firewalls.They're too thick." Raf banging his fist on the desk.

"You actually think you could keep the Decepticons out?" Ratchet asked.

"Maybe, if I could get in." Raf says.

"W-wait, Raf, what if we could get you all the way in? Like 'inside-the-building' in?" Jack asked.

"I could log into their intern network on the other side of the firewall." Raf assures.

Space bridge

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