Rosa to the rescue

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HEY! Whats up guys! It's your girl Dragonfire Prime here! Seriously please just go check out my Youtube channel? And comment on this story?
Youtube: Dragonfire Prime.

Previously on Transformers Prime: Jack's sister

"It's a trap - A Scraplet trap."


"Uh, an empty Scraplet trap." Bulkhead say nervously.

"Most likely ejected into space eons ago, only to wind up in the arctic, where the temperature kept them in stasis." Ratchet hypothesis, continuing to look in the trap.

"Until we brought the thaw." Jack say, walking up to them.

"Now they're wide awake and ready to brunch." Miko exclaims, holding an axe.

"So,How many are we talking about?" Raf asks, holding the crowbar.

"Thousands. And the power malfunctions and ground bridge damage are sure signs that their infestation is well underway." Ratchet answers shaking his head.

"We doomed." Rosa says, holding onto Ratchet.

Optimus is climbing down a humongous glacier, probably 50X his size. His Autobot insignia starts beeping, and glowing blue.

"Arcee, what's your status?" Optimus coms Arcee.

"My sensor's going off. Guess we should call for pickup before things get chilly." Arcee suggests.

"Optimus to base, core temperature readings have reached the blue zone. Prepare to activate ground bridge." Optimus tries to Com base, only to hear static.

Ratchet is trying to do the same thing, as Optimus is doing. Though unlike Optimus, Ratchet has a worried cybertronian disguised as a human sparkling on his shoulder

"Ratchet to Optimus, do you read me? We have a situation."Ratchet calls, only for the computers to go staticy.

"The Scraplets have gotten into the com-link system!" Ratchet bangs his fist onto the keypad, making Rosa jump.

"If we don't eradicate these creatures immediately, they will reduce the entire base to a scrap heap!" Ratchet says angrily turning around.

"I say we bug out of here and let them keep it!" Bulkhead says, wanting to get away from the metal eating monsters.

"I agree!" Bee beeps, nodding.

"Evacuation is not an option. If we don't get the ground bridge back online stat, Optimus and Arcee will perish." Ratchet looks calm, but serious.

"Oppy, and bluey not make it home?!" Rosa ask, ready to cry at the thought of never seeing her guardian and friend again.

"They Will?" Jack asks Ratchet with concern. Miko storms up to Bulkhead.

"Bulkhead, you never run!" Miko says.

"Miko, you haven't seen a swarm of these things devour a bot.I have. They pick you apart from the inside out, going for the small, juicy bits first,Fuse by fuse, circuit by circuit, till there's nothing left, and I mean nothing, Not even your optics." Bulkhead tells them scared out of his wits.

"You have to let us help." Jack says.

"Us can help!." Rosa nods.

"We're not made of metal. Well,for the most part." Raf says, looking at Rosa, who is still on Ratchet's shoulder.

"The Scraplets can't hurt us." Miko finishes.

"Typically, I find your fleshiness to be your least engaging quality,But it would appear to provide an advantage under these extremes." Ratchet concludes.

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