Annoying Starscream

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The results so far for the poll

Scrapheap : 8

Before the end of darkness rising : 13

Sick mind : 13

Master and students : 7

Let's get started.


:-: Arcee to base, come in. Jack? We need you to bridge us back.:-: Arcee says. There's no answer.

:-:Hello?:-: Still no answer.

"Bumblebee, pedal to the metal!" Arcee says as they speed back to base.


Agent Fowler is looking down to the ground, wondering if he will get out, and what the cons are doing with Rosa. He looks up hearing the door open. Starscream walks in.

"Agent Fowler, I have one single request that will save your family the pain of grieving." Starscream tells him, trying to convince him. Agent Fowler looks up.

"Tell me the location of the Autobot base." Starscream orders.

"No problem, but I need to ask you something first." Agent Fowler told him. Starscream leans in.

"Yes, I'm listening." Starscream tells him.

"I've got an issue with the customer service around here. Can I speak with manager?" Agent Fowler asked with a smirk.

"I make the decisions around here! I am in charge!" Starscream squeaks. He turns to the drone.

"Bring the prod." Starscream orders.


"What's taking Arcee and Bumblebee?" Bulkhead asked to no one in particular.

"Dude, the cons could be putting the clamps of Fowler right now. Let's just storm the joint." Miko says from behind a rock. They hear a bridge, and turns to see Jack and Raf.

"They're here to?!" Bulkhead freaks.

"Why don't those guys hang out with their own bots?" Miko crosses her arms.

"Are your bones vibrating?" Jack asked Raf. Raf nods. They run over to the others. Bulkhead was about to say something when...

"You there!" A drone says.

"Scrap!" Bulk says to himself.


Soundwave is still typing on the computer. Rosa, even though she probably should be scared out of her mind, is bored, and getting tired. She starts to fall asleep. Soundwave looks over only to find her out cold.


"I'll ask you nicely on last time. The Autobot base?" Starscream asked , patience warring thin.

"Sure thing buddy right after you eat my star-sequined shorts!" Agent Fowler comments. Starscream who has had enough with Agent Fowler pokes him with the energon prod. Agent Fowler grunts in pain.

"As I imagined. Energon and human nervous systems don't mix." Starscream being the fragger he is, smirks.__________________________________________+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

WELL, that's the end of rising darkness part three... or darkness rising....ya know that's a bit confusing. When unicron wakes up I believe one of those are the titles.

Starscream: *smirks* I'm baaaack

Dragonfire prime: * smirks back holding her hands behind her back* You won't do or say anything.

Starscream: THE SPARK...*ends up dead once again*

Dragonfire prime: *Smirks holding a detonator* thank you Wheeljack.

Soundwave: *shakes his helm*

Dragonfire prime: Waves to sounders*


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