Chapter twelve : lunch with Mason

Start from the beginning

"So whats up with you these days huh?"
Sydney asked me

"Nothing much.." I told her with a shrug
"Uh-uh" she said wiggling her eyebrows

"Nothing. Just that you usually come with Mason but today with jacky boy huh" she said still wiggling her eyebrows

Ohh no she took it in a wrong way

"Ohh no no. It's nothing like that. Its just that Mason's car did not start this morning. And Jackson was at are place in the morning. And they both were in a hurry so.. The boys took their bikes."

"Ohhh okay.. But you could have come with Mason right" she said.
God why can't she get it!

"Alice. Mason's sister wanted to go with Mason so i had no choice left but to drive school with jackson. And don't even think that am going to fall for his shit. Not gonna happen"

"Ohhh. If you say so." She said in a voice that she still didn't belive me

"And if i even like or have a crush i would make sure that your the first person I'll tel. Happy"

She chuckled and shook her head
"You better do. Haha. Let's go"

She's quiet a fun person to stay with.

We arrived at the class and our English teacher Mr. Robberson arrived after five minutes

"So, class will be doing an assignment. With pairs. So choose your pairs and i'll tel you about the assignment. Okay." With that he sat.

I don't know anyone here else than Sydney maybe i could pair myself with her

As if listening to my thoughts she came to me and asked if i could pair up with her

"Yes I would love to"
She smiled.

"Am exited. What assignment could it be? By the way. Your with me."

"Yeah right" i told her

"So class. Ready? Anyways am not waiting. So this assignment is about a story writing. You'll get this semester time. Work on you're story obviously with your pairs. And, and i atleast need a fat book. It must be a novel. Write the story of your own do not copy. Okay. So any questions?"

Some girl raised up her hand
"Yes mary tel me" our teacher asked the girl whose name i think now is mary

"Umm. Sir what king of story. I mean story in the sense?" She asked a little afraid if she gets scolded

"Be more specific girl" he said with a smile which usually he don't use maybe he also heard the afraid ness of that girl

"Umm. What am telling is that their are different types of stories like. Freedom fighter's or romance or fantasy or about great men ."

"Good question. You can choose anything you want. But. Dont make the story dirty" he said with a disgusting look. Seeing his face everyone laughed.

"The reason why your writing this story is because this time i want yo check you're mind. How far can it go or how you imagination is. And based on your story you'll get your grades. So make it colorful with your imagination and write a wonderful story. So Okay. Now start discussing about your story"
After giving the information he left.

And the people from my class started discussing about their stories
"Emma. Right now i don't have anything in mind. Can we do this later in your or my place? Please" she said with a innocent smile.

"Sure" i said i too don't want to start my story right now

" and yeah. Me brett and lia are going out for lunch today. Clair is going to take a special class for math. Wanna join us?" She asked me

I don't want to go. Probably because i don't want to go alone with someone and my guts are telling me the same.
Yeah i know. I went out alone. And with Jackson as well. But at that time i did not get the text messages. So i don't want to take any risk..

"Umm no you guys go. I'll grab a lunch with Mason."

He's the one o can sit with. I'd rather sit with him than go with them and put my life at risk. And not only mine but my friend's life as well

The  classes went by blink of an eye today was as usual. Teacher comes  takes lesson then goes. Then repeat

And now. It was lunch time. My favorite.


I forgot to ask Mason that if i could join him.
Shit man. What do i do.

Idiot. Stop over reacting and text him. My conscience told me


Mason. Favor. Text me when you Read the message.

I sent him the text after seconds he replied

Sure em's everything gud?

Yeah everything is gud. Umm. Can i grab a lunch with you today?

Sure. You don't have to ask em's where are you?

Thanks. Am near the canteen.

Wait for me.

After a minute or two he came


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