Chapter 17

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"T-Tomorrow?" Hyungwon stutters. "W-why a-already so s-soon?"

"Because all of them have time this weekend. And the weather is going to be nice as well, so it's the perfect time for meeting my friends." Hoseok explains to his obviously confused and slightly scared boyfriend.

He planned to meet with his friends on Saturday and of course he wanted to take Hyungwon with him, to introduce him to his friends.

"B-but why d-didn't you tell me earlier? I need some mental preparations for this." He says.

"I thought it was okay that I told you we're going to meet them someday... and that was 2 weeks ago. I'm sorry." He apologizes. "But you really don't need to worry. As I told you they are the most amazing friends someone could ever wish for."

Hyungwon slowly nod, trying to proceed all the information that he just got. "O-okay. What if you t-tell me a few things about them, so I don't look like a complete loser when meeting them."

"Hyungwon you'd never be a complete loser." Hoseok says, obviously shocked by the younger boys' statement. Hyungwon just gives him an are-you-so-sure-about-this-look but doesn't say anything about it.

"Well... my friends, 3 people, are called Minhyuk, Jooheon and Kihyun. I've met them at high school. Kihyun and Minhyuk were in my class, meanwhile Jooheon was one grade below, but Kihyun and him were in the same after school club so we somehow got to know each other. To be honest we weren't really close in the beginning and just hung out together because we didn't have anyone else." He awkwardly laughs and scratches his head. "But after we went on a class trip for a few days, we somehow got to know each other and grew a lot closer. And as you see we are still friends until now."

"That sounds very nice. I am glad you have such nice friends." Hyungwon smiles.

"Yeah I am also very glad about this." Hoseok grins. "But I think you will also get along with them very well and you might become friends too. At least I hope that." Hoseok says, his voice getting quieter to the end.

Hyungwon slowly cuddles closer to his boyfriend. "I will try my best to somehow get along with them... it's just that I am super shy and anxious when it comes to meeting new people, that's why I probably won't talk very much." He sights. "I hate it, but I probably can't change it either. I've always been like this."

"And I won't try to change you. I am just helping you a bit to get to know more people and maybe open up to them, accepting them as friends." Hoseok presses a soft kiss on the younger boys' head while putting his arms around him, pulling him slightly closer. "I will be with you the whole time, so you don't need to worry about anything. And if it's too much for you we can always go home."

Hyungwon nods. "Alright, I will try it. Thank you Hoseok."

The older boy softly giggles. "Let's get out of bed now, I promised you to make pancakes today."

Hyungwon quickly nods and a few minutes later both boys stand in the kitchen, busy trying the pancake recipe Hoseok got. It takes them some time to figure everything out but just 20 minutes later they have the first pancake ready to eat.

Grinning they put some chocolate on it, cut in half and slowly start eating. To their surprise it's better than expected and soon the 2nd and the 3rd pancake follow. Around one hour later they finished breakfast and lay down on the couch again.

"We're literally such a lazy couple." Hoseok laughs, while brushing through Hyungwons hair. The younger boy softly smiles at Hoseoks words. Even though they have been dating for around a month now it still makes him happy to hear these words out of the older boys' mouth.

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