Chapter 6

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Hyungwon shakes his head. "H-Hoseok stop it. I don't want you to get hurt." His voice is a silent cry, as he is still afraid to talk louder.

Ignoring his words Hoseok pushes Mr. Choi, who loses his grip on Hyungwon's collar. The boy falls to the ground and wants to get up right away, to stop Hoseok from doing anything stupid but another headshake from the older boy, stops him in his actions.

"Who are you boy, that you dare to interrupt our little talk?" Mr. Choi screams again this time turning in Hoseoks direction ready to slap him in the face.

"In my opinion this wasn't a simple talk." Hoseoks dangerously calm voice makes Hyungwon shiver. He has never seen him so angry. "Leave him alone."

"I am sorry to tell you young man, but I have something very important to clarify with your little friend. GET AWAY." He raises his voice again, stepping forward but Hoseok doesn't move an inch.

"You can't scare me, if that's it what you want to do."

"Boy you're wasting my time here." He turns around, facing Hyungwon again, who still lays on the ground as he did minutes ago. "Now back to you! How dare to been seen here again. Weren't my words clear enough? You really have no manners." His voice halls through the empty flat making Hyungwon shiver again.

"I-I just w-wanted to get my s-stuff." He whispers, looking to the ground.

"What did you say?" Mr. Choi leans forwards to the boy. "I couldn't understand your mumbling."

Hyungwon gaining some strength as he looks up, right into the landlord's face, gets up. "I said, I wanted to get my stuff." He repeats, this time louder.

"Oh, the boy can talk, what a miracle. But you didn't understand my question young man. I said I never wanted to see you again but here you stand again, thinking you could walk in and out just to grab some of your old stuff, you think that belongs to You? I am sorry to disappoint you but as long as you don't pay me the money I still need, nothing here belongs to you."

Hyungwon freezes on the spot, hearing these words. He never thought about it in that way. But before anything bad could happen Hoseok steps in the game again, making Mr. Choi groan.

"You never told him a specific date." Hoseok repeats his words. "He still has the rights to get his stuff before he must hand you the keys and pay you the money back. You are the one who doesn't have the right to harass him like this." His heavy breathing tells Hyungwon the state of anger Hoseok is in.

"Didn't I tell You, not to interrupt our talk? You have no manners as well as Mr. Chae. I can let you guys go if I have the money along with the keys in my letterbox tomorrow morning. If not Mr. Chae can will deal with a legal proceeding soon." He grins, knowing Hyungwon will never be able to pay him the money back this soon.

"You will get it." Hoseok announces, making Hyungwon gasp. "Tomorrow morning. We will be there."

"Alright." Mr. Choi grins. "I will wait." With these words he exits the flat, leaving the two boys behind.

Before any other words can be spoken Hyungwon bursts out in tears. His sobbing fills the empty walls of the flat, making it sound increasingly dramatic.

Hoseok sits down next to Hyungwon, carefully stroking his back. "Don't cry." He whispers, pulling him in a tight hug.

"Why did you do this? He could have hurt you." His voice is broken, quiet.

"He was about to hurt You, I couldn't just stand there and watch you." Hoseoks voice is still a whisper.

"B-but I am not worth it."

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