Chapter 4

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Time passes and beside laying around in his apartment and making himself a coffee, Hyungwon didn't manage to do anything else.

His motivation to find a new job or new flat was almost zero. He just wants to go back to Hoseok and talk with him forever. Speaking of him, the clock shows almost 4 in the evening and still he hasn't gotten any single message from Hoseok.

Of course, Hyungwon didn't know how long Hoseok must work, if he comes home at late night or if he has other things to do, like meeting his friends or going grocery shopping. But still he Hyungwon wanted to get this little sign of the boy, that shows him that he's not completely forgotten.

So, he waited and waited. Ignored loud voices and endless ringing on his doorbell, probably by his mad landlord or any of his neighbors who didn't seem to like him and wanted to stress the hell out of the boy. But he didn't want to see them. Just lay around here forever and think.

Maybe he doesn't need to jump off that bridge, but just lie here and wait until death comes over him slowly.

Maybe. Maybe that's all he needs to do.

A silent ringing gets him out of his trance and he shivers as he gets up from the couch, which gave him the only warmth in the whole flat. He looks around to find the source of the familiar sound and finds his mobile, dying from the last percentages on his empty and lonely bed.

With slow motions he starts unlocking his phone, to see a message from an unknown number. Could it be Hoseok? Or just his landlord who found a way to get his mobile number.

He opens the message and starts reading. As he sees who send this message a smile crept up in his face and warmed the cold body of the boy. It was no one else than Hoseok.

I told you not to clean my dishes man. That's not fair, why do you act against my will?
You were my guest :c

Oh, and it's me, Hoseok but you probably already got this ~

The younger boy kept staring at his display for around 5 minutes, trying to process, what just happened. It is super weird how much his mood can change in just a few seconds.

Just as he kept staring Hoseok wrote a new message.

You're gonna reply today or not?

Hyungwon awoke from his trance and as soon as his finger touches his display, everything goes black. He presses the home and power button of his phone a few times, but nothing happens.

"What is this?" he screams aloud. It takes him a few minutes to realize that his battery must have sunken to 0 but until then a few panic attacks get through him.

As his phone lightens up again he types in his code faster than the speed of light and returns to Hoseoks messages immediately.

I am so sorry. I was just very happy to receive your messages,
that I forgot to answer them... and now my phone died.

Again, minutes pass by, but Hoseok doesn't reply. Hyungwon's heart starts aching again. Did he make him mad in just these few minutes?

Was it all over now? Did he fail again?

But before he could get even worse imaginations his phone rang again.


Did you reach home safely?

I did. It feels weird being here again.

Are you okay?

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