Chapter 8

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When they walk home it started raining but neither Hyungwon nor Hoseok care. It's a silent walk. Both boys lost in their thoughts about what happened.

Hoseok had promised himself to do everything not to see Hyungwon cry again, but he failed his mission again and this was the worst feeling ever. Regret.

Hyungwon on the other side doesn't feel anything at all. Not the cold rain, not the freezing cold, no sadness, pain. He just feels empty. No matter what Hoseok tells him, Mr. Choi's words hurt a lot. They sting in his chest, making it hard for him to breath when he just thinks about it. Hyungwon wants to listen to Hoseoks words, he wants to believe what he says and forget what Mr. Choi said. But he can't. It's like a never-ending circle.

They reach Hoseoks flat soon. Their clothes wet and their minds empty. Both boys are shaking from the cold.

"Take your clothes off. I don't want you to catch a cold." Hoseok demands as Hyungwon just sits on the floor, staring holes in the air.

"I don't care."

Hoseok sights and leaves. He comes back a few minutes later. "I have prepared a bath for you. So please take these off."

Hyungwon doesn't react to what Hoseok said and just continues sitting around. The older boy slowly gets closer to him and starts peeling off Hyungwon's clothes. He slowly pulls him up and gets him in the bathroom, where he takes everything off except his underwear. Hoseok looks at the older boy with a stern expression. "Get in." He demands.

"But what about you?" Hyungwon asks with a confused look.

"What should be with me?"

"Shouldn't you take a bath as Well? Your clothes were even thinner than mine a-and I thought you were freezing as well." Hyungwon answers with a quiet voice.

"Its fine. I guess you don't want us to bath together .. this would be somehow... very intimate right? I will take a shower later." Hoseok smiles. "Now get in before the water gets cold."

Hyungwon slowly takes Hoseoks hand. "They are so cold, and you are very pale. Please you can't get sick..."

Hoseok sights. "It's alright believe me. I am not the person so get sick easily. And now I must make sure you get warm. Now get in and wash yourself, I will make some food."

Hyungwon nods and turns his back to Hoseok, while he puts off his underwear and gets in the tub. Meanwhile Hoseok leaves the bathroom and gets in the kitchen.

Lost in his thoughts Hoseok starts preparing his favorite meal. Ramyeon. He hopes Hyungwon likes it as much as he does. Even if not, he will try to make the other boy eat it.

In Hoseoks eyes he is very thin. Maybe a bit too thin. Like you would break him the second you touch him. A broken boy, with a fragile body. Will Hoseok ever be able to help him to get strong again?

He is so lost in thoughts, that he almost forgets his noodles on the stove. A short scream escapes his lips, but luckily, he can safe everything.

Before he decides to return to Hyungwon, Hoseok takes a few bites, but decides they are still too hot to eat. Quick steps bring him back to the bathroom. He takes a deep breath, knocks on the door, and wait for sign from the other boy.

Time passes and Hoseok doesn't get an answer. He knocks again, but again no reaction. Impatiently he walks around in front of the door. "maybe he doesn't hear me." He mutters to himself. "Maybe he fell asleep." But before he can think even further, he bursts into the room, where he finds Hyungwon, laying in the tub, eyes closed and almost no breathing visible. His mouth is cover in water and breathing through his nose is almost impossible.

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