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It was finally the day that Emily would get released, but no one went to go see her the day of her discharge.  Ms. Riley came to sign her paperwork and take her back home, to the orphanage, but neither Anne nor Taylor went to go see her. When the two arrived at the orpahange though, Jane was outside waiting for Emily  with an almost emotionless look on her face. They went on inside to talk in Emily's room alone, making sure that none of the children followed them.

"I'm glad you came to see me at least, Jane... The other two are, to say the least, mad at me..." Jane nodded and grinned slyly.

"Yeah. I heard all about it. You really are just a whore, huh?" Jane questioned her. Emily flinched at the word, but said nothing and chuckled nervously. She bowed her head and brushed a finger over her eyes to wipe away any possible tears that may have escaped them, avoiding Jane's piercing gaze.

"You may be right... I just... don't want to hurt Taylor... You already knew this probably, but I used to like Taylor. I only have eyes for Anne now though, so I don't want to come out and tell Taylor that there's no way that we would ever get together! I don't want to hurt my precious friend!... It just when she said she like someone else, didn't it? I'm sure you—"

"Of course it hurt!" Jane exploded, "I just wanted her to be there for me as I was for her! It... hurt a lot... I didn't mean anything that I said and did to her, and I most certainly didn't mean to hit you like I did... It broke my heart, but it broke me as a person too. I'm lost without Taylor... I... I love her..." Jane sniffled, rubbing her eyes quickly to wipe away the tears. Emily kept quiet and scooter closer to Jane to pat her on the back and give her a friendly and supportive hug.

"I want you two to get back together, I really do... Taylor will forget all about me soon enough but until then will you please stay by her side? Be there is ways that I cannot! Win her heart by being what I can't. She fall for you more and more each day... Rhat J can promise you." Emily said, getting back up to pull out her phone to message both Anne and Taylor to meet her at the orphanage. Neither of them answered back, but soon enough there were two separate knocks on Emily's bedroom door. They both looked quite winded and irritated by the others presence, and once they saw Jane in the room their faces twisted with even more anger.

"Why is she here?" Taylor asked, sitting herself to the right of Emily who was directly across from Jane. Anne hurried over and dropped down to the left of Emily and held onto her hand whilst looking over at Taylor.

"Stop. Both of you. There's something that all of us need to know, but first I want to say my piece..." Emily sighed, "Taylor, I don't feel any romantic feelings towards you anymore. I'm sorry. I... I really love Anne. I know that I want her to be by my side for the rest of my life, so she is and will be my life partner... That is unless you don't feel the same..." Emily said, turning towards Anne who had a big smile across her face. She tightened her hand around Emily's and lifted their hands up with a light chuckle.

"Don't feel the same? I absolutely feel the same way as you! There may be obstacles and issues, but I could never stop loving you! You're... You're mine... You're the one for me..." Anne said, hiding her face as blush began to spread across her face. Taylor slowly scooter away from Emily and glanced over at Jane who had a concerned look on her face.

"I'm really sorry Taylor, but—"

"It's fine..." She began, "I knew this is how it was going to end... I got dumped by the one girl I thought I could love and then got rejected by the one I wanted to be mine... I'm an idiot... Jane, I'm sorry..." Taylor apologized, holding out a hand for Jane to shake. "Friends?" Jane pushed away Taylor's hand and instead went closer to her and pressed her head into her chest to comfort her.

"I'm not mad... We can't be friends though... I want to be with you still even now... Can we try this one more time? I love you a lot, and I just know that I can get you to fall for me! I'll make you fall for me if I really have to..." Jane laughed, lightly gliding her fingers through Taylor's hair. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out but a excited and happy smile.

"Then show me. I... I want to love you." Taylor replyed with a slight blush spreading across her face. The two closed the small hao between them and pulled each other in for a tight hug. Emily and Anne then looked back at each other and let out a sigh of relief. Anne then giggled to herself before nudging Emily.

"You love me, huh?" She questioned Emily with a smirk on her face. Emily hid hers from view and nodded.

"Yes... Is that bad or something?" She joked. Anne lifted up her hand and tilted Emily's head towards her and locked eyes with Emily with a sly look.

"No... No... No one said that it was bad...  In fact, it's very good indeed. It makes me happy to hear you say that..." Anne said, leaning in to press her lips firmly against Emily's as if she couldn't hold back any longer. Emily started to laugh as they kissed, so Anne jerked her head back to look at her in confusion. "What? What's so funny?" She asked, holding back laughter herself.

"It's funny how happy I am now. There was so much that changed because you can into my life. It's funny, bit I'm so very glad with the changes. I love the miracles you seem to pull off, by I love you the most!" Emily said. Anne pulled her back in for another kiss before releasing her to say anything else.

"I love you too... Stay with me forever..." Anne said. Emily chuckled and nodded.

"Of course..."

Loving You (Sequel: Friends To Lovers) (GXG)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora