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The officer walked off while speaking on the phone to his partner. Anne and Emily turned to each other and let out loud sighs before slouching in their seats. Rocky then reached out to the desk and grabbed her phone off of the table as it began to vibrate.

"Yea mom, what do you need?... Oh no, I won't be stopping over tonight like I had promised before. Sorry... Technically yes, I am with Alix... Yea... I got you... Bye." She mumbled over the phone. After she hung up, Taylor glanced over to her with a devious and nosy look. Taylor snickered, bumping her elbow into Rocky's side multiple times before finally getting yelled at.

"Would you knock it off! God you can be so annoying sometimes! It was just my mom, so why are you like going nuts over it for?" Rocky questioned her, rolling her eyes while screwing around with the phone. Taylor stopped laughing and turned around to look at Alix who was chatting happily with Jane.

"Does your mom know about you and Alix? I'm assuming that she at least knows who he is, but does she know that he is a he and that you two are... going out?" Taylor asked, twirling her hair while she waited patiently for an answer. Rocky brushed back her hair with a deep breath.

"She actually doesn't know who he is really... All I told her was that he is my boyfriend, but she's never saw him before. I don't think she really cares who I go out with, it's my life, but it gives me anxiety when I think about telling her that the person I'm going out with is a girl who wants to be a male. Just to get this straight, I don't have a problem with Alix being a guy... It's just that I fell in love with Alix when he was a she... You know? I'm confused about myself now more than ever..." She whispered back. Taylor gave Rocky and understanding smile, patting her on the back as she did.

"Did you fall in love with him just because he is a she? If you say yes then you're really kind of shallow, Rocky." Taylor remarked, crossing her legs and leaning forward far enough to almost tip the chair. Rocky remained quiet for a few seconds before closing her eyes to answer.

"No. I prefer to be with girls, but with Alix it was more with his personality...  He's even cuter than most girls in my opinion... Gah! I am getting more and more confused!" She shouted, grabbing onto her hair and pulling it slightly in frustration. Emily and Anne listened in while Taylor smirked and put a hand to Rocky's shoulder.

"You just answered your own question." Rocky chuckled slightly before replying.

"I guess you're right. I never really got worried about these things before, so you know I have to learn some things too. I've been feeling weird lately too, but I guess that's normal too?" Rocky asked Taylor. She put her arms up and shrugged in return, placing her index finger to her lips with a devilish smile.

"Figure that out for yourself." She mouthed with a low giggle. After the conversation ended, the officer walked back over, but this time he had equipped handcuffs and a pistol that he didn't have on him before. He then sat back down into his chair behind the desk and held out his hand for Rocky to place her phone into.

"They'll be here soon. For now, why don't you girls sit in my partner's room that's at the end of the hallway? Her name's Kendall Einsworth. It's the third door on the right." He said, motioning down the hallway. Emily went over to Ms. Riley, Jane, and Alix so that she could lead them to the room. They waited patiently for Mr. Colin to get there so that he could finally own up to all his crimes against humanity. While they waited, Taylor nudged Rocky towards Alix to get her to speak to Alix about what she had talked about with Taylor. Rocky doesn't usually get flustered at all, but this time she found it hard to speak her mind. It wasn't until Taylor said what she had told her earlier that she spoke up finally.

"Look, Rocky's been feeling conflicted about some things lately, so she wanted to talk to you as soon as she could. She's just a little—"

"Shut up! I'll speak!... Alix, I've been bothered about some things lately... I'm such a terrible person, but I can only see you as a girl... I fell in love with you when you identified as a girl, but now I don't know. I still love you, but what does that make me?" Alix simply gave Rocky an understanding nod, but then he sat down in a chair behind him before actually speaking.

"You're fine, Rocky. I'm happy you still love me, even if you see me as a girl still. It will take you some getting used to, but I don't mind if it's you who sees me as a girl. I mean, you are more manlier than I am. It's only natural that you would feel that way. I'm not really doing a good job at passing either..." Alix muttered with a pained laugh. Rocky instantly regretted what she had said.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to—"

"You're fine. Trust me. I'm not mad at you or anything." Alix smiled earnestly. Rocky was about to talk again, but the door opened up to reveal a tall and slightly chunky lady with her long black hair pulled back in a bun.

"We have arrested Mr. Colin. He hasn't confessed to anything yet, but with the videos and photos you have us he will have no choice but to confess and plead guilty to his criminal charges." She said in a emotionless and flat tone. We all listened to her and nodded to see what else she had to say. "He wants to meet with... Emily and Taylor...? Come with me."  She said, walking out without waiting for Emily and Taylor to get up. Anne grabbed onto Emily with a concerned look, but Emily quickly brushed her worry off with a smile.

"I'll be fine..." She mouthed.

Emily and Taylor quickly ran down the hall to catch up with the officer before coming to a stop as soon as they saw him. He had an insane look in his eyes as he twiddled his thumbs under the desk that was in the enclosed room he was put in. The glass they saw him through was one way, so he couldn't see them. Despite that, it was as if he could point out exactly where they were standing and  how terrified they were. His face slowly twisted into a devious smile and he lift one hand up to point directly at the glass. He said something but the officers had turned off the speaker so we couldn't hear what he said. One of them pressed the intercom and asked him to repeat what he had just said, and a maniacal laughed filled the whole station.

"I said to send in my little princess in here... I mean Emily... She and I have the most fun..."

Loving You (Sequel: Friends To Lovers) (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now