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After Emily and Anne gave the clear, allowing all the children to once again roam the orphanage. An unsettling feeling rushed over Emily almost right after she had done so.

"Anne, I think we should go to the police already... I have a bad feeling..." Emily mumbled, shuddering in her tracks. Anne could see how distraught that Emily truly was and gave her a worried smile.

"Alright, but are you sure that you're ok with reliving what had happened in the past with him?" Anne asked her. Emily stayed silent for a moment before sighed and pressed her hands against her head.

"I have to... They can't do anything about the past though... What's done is done... Now that you know what happened, do you still want to be with me? I have a lot of baggage, so I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted to be with someone else..." Emily mumbled, breaking apart slowly as she reached out Anne to comfort her. She stopped upon noticing what she was doing and started to retract her hand. Anne hurried to reach out and take a hold of Emily's hand as it rested to her side, leaning in to nudge Emily in the side with her free hand.

"You know I'm not going to leave you. If I was a normal person, then yes I would have. Am I normal though? No.  I'm not. Because of that, I will stay with you for as long as you can stand me." Anne laughed, trying to calm Emily down and hopefully make her chuckle. Emily's face twisted into a smile as she bumped into Anne lovingly.

"I'm sure you won't have to worry about that. Now let's go ahead and start heading to the police station. It's quite a ways from here, so we better leave now." Emily replied, going into the front entrance to gather the rest of the gang. Before they could leave, Ms. Riley called out to them. Connie was right behind her with a stern gaze.

"You guys aren't going to be walking all the way to the police station! Ms. Riley already agreed to drive you there, so go ahead and accept her offer." Connie said, exchanging a few chuckles before sending the group off. They all went outside to Ms. Riley's mini van that was parked outside. Emily climbed into the front seat while the other five crawled into the back of the van.

It was a silent car ride to the station. No one was willing to speak about a lighter subject because there was nothing to make the whole trip any better. When they pulled into the parking lot, everyone piled out but Emily. She continued to sit in silence until Anne tapped her on the shoulder, awaking her from her thoughts.

"Are you sure you're fine? You don't look like you are at all." Anne said, hugging her from the back seat. Emily breathed in deeply, laying her hands over her eyes. She sniffles lightly before giving a raspy breath.

"I'm fine.. I'm fine... I'm fine... I'm not fine at all!" She repeated, stomping her feet to the bottom of the van floor. "I thought I could do this, but now everything that happened is replaying in my head over and over again! His breaths, his moves, his words, everything he did to me! I wish that I had my family here with me, but there's no one! No one at all! I don't want to bring you all into this! I don't want to, but—"

"Emily, we aren't bothered by this. We want to be involved. Something terrible happened to our friend and irreplaceable partner, so of course we want to help. Your real family may not be here to support you, but I'm here along with your adoptive family and your friends. I hope to be part of your real family in the future, so I want you to consider me as being a part of it already. Is that ok?" Anne asked her, bringing Emily's hands down from her eyes. She had a tranquil look and nodded back to Anne with a pained yet happy smile.

"I would be honored... In fact, I should  be begging you to be a part of my family... It's sad that we aren't even close to graduating... I want to be in college already with you... I want to live with you in our own house... We could adopt some kids too... I'm getting too ahead of myself... Sorry..." Emily laughed it off. Anne giggled softly and pressed her lips to the back of Emily's head since she couldn't anything else. Emily turned her head around a little to be met with Anne's cheerful smile.

"I would love that...! I can see it now... If you're getting ahead of yourself now, then I've been ahead of myself for a while..." Anne grinned. They both exchanged a quick kiss and laughed together before stepping out of the car.

Rocky and Alix led the group into the station while holding hands that were tightly latched together. After them, Anne and Jane went in followed by Taylor and Emily who hung in the back of the group with Ms. Riley. It didn't seem like there was anyone there at first, but a head popped out from behind a desk that was further into the building. The figure stood up, revealing a rather skinny and young man with a unemotional look on his face. Once he realized that there were people, he walked over to them with a fake smile that covered his uncaring attitude.

"Can I help you guys with anything? Are you here to report something?" He asked, pulling a pin and paper out with a quiet sigh. Anne stepped in front and peered at Taylor and Emily who were keeping their heads down the entire time.

"Yes. I would like to report a man who molested and raped my friend. He also took obscene photographs of his daughter and my friend and has abused both of them." Anne said without a pause. The man looked back up at her and then to Emily and Taylor who held their hands over their mouths.

"Come right this way." He said, guiding Anne, Emily, Taylor, and Rocky over to his desk. The four sat down in the chairs that were placed in front of the desk and prepared to speak about everything that had happened. Before he could say anything, Rocky placed her phone on the table that had videos and photos from both the kitchen incident and what had happened at Taylor's house.  He opened his mouth to speak after watching and looking at everything, but quickly shut it after having no words.

"This man raped me years ago and was never punished for it. He made my friend here watch while he did it to serve as a lesson. I don't have proof of that, but considering the proof we have now I'm sure that you can't doubt the idea that he did. This man is Rodger Colin. His daughter, Taylor Colin, is in the seat to the right of me. We would appreciate it if you could look into it further and have this man arrested for the crimes that he has committed." Emily blurted out, reaching over to hold onto Taylor's hand. She had begun to shake from both anger and humiliation of what happened to her and Emily, glaring right into the officer.

"Please stop my father! He is a danger to society! That man is no longer human because of the filthy acts he has done! He deserves to be in prison!" Taylor shouted, gripping Emily's hand tighter. The man gave them a confused look before looking up and down at the two girls.

"Rodger Colin? He came here earlier to report that his two dauthers were missing! What are your names again?" He asked Taylor and Emily. They glanced over at each other before answering his question with shaken tones.

"I'm Taylor Colin..."

"I'm Emily Ross..."

The man scratched at his imaginary facial hair before leaning forward in his seat. There was a moment of silence between both parties as they waited for him to say something, anything for that matter.

"That man had said that you two would make false accusations against him, but seeing that you have proof of his actions just convicts the man even more! Allow me to call my partner... He's actually speaking to Mr. Colin right now at his house to get a full report." Emily and Taylor looked back to each other in joy, smiling from ear to ear that the man that had ruined their lives will finally be put away. "You two will need to testify against him during the trial if he doesn't plead guilty though. By seeing the way he acts, it is very likely that he will plead not guilty. Be prepared for the worst..." He said, dialing his partner's phone number...

Loving You (Sequel: Friends To Lovers) (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now