Chapter 16

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"Who?" My immediate thought was 'who are Harry, Ethan and Tobi?' Simon looked over at me in my confusion and smiled reassuringly.

"Friends, we weren't exactly expecting them though but they never give us any warning, they just kinda show up." I nodded, settling down and leaning back against Vikk, who shifted his arm so it was wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer. I could still hear the boys from outside yelling something at the people inside, probably wanting them to open the door as it was locked. Vikk stood up to open the door but Josh got there first, going to open it.

Looking around the room I saw Lachlan and Preston chatting quietly, so quiet that I couldn't hear what they were talking about but as I watched closer I saw them whispering worriedly together, eyes going towards the door on occasion. Josh was out there opening the door, but I didn't know why they were worried.

"Hello! We're here!" I looked around at Vikk, who just shrugged.

"They were going to meet you eventually, why not now?" He said even though his face was pinched with worry.

As the new people entered the room I shifted myself so I was standing behind Vikk, hiding myself out of their view. I was already scared enough as it was- in a country I hadn't visited for years, with people I didn't know, in a house I didn't understand after meeting my brother again after 7 years. I barely knew the people I had arrived with, I didn't need more strangers. Vikk took a step back too, one arm coming out almost protectively.

Preston and Lachlan also stepped a little closer to me, making my heart leap both with panic and appreciation.

Of the three boys that stepped into the room, the first two were loud and rambunctious, laughing and chattering away, not having noticed me yet and the other boy was a lot quieter. His eyes scanned the room, first noticing the boys I had travelled with- and then he saw me. He immediately recognised the resemblance between Vikk and I and after a moment of confusion his jaw dropped.

The other two were greeting Rob, Preston, Jerome Mitch and Lachlan around the room, clearly reacquainting themselves after a long time, other than Lachlan. I flinched at the noises. Vikk stepped forwards and introduced me to the only one who had noticed me.

"Tobi, this is Lily. My sister."


It took about half an hour of explanation and introductions for me to know who the newcomers were and for them to know who I was. The other two people, who were apparently apart of the same group... group? I didn't really understand it other than it was something to do with YouTube, same as the Pack boys, and they were called Harry and Ethan.

So there were 7 of them in total, 4 of which lived in the same house including my brother. He seemed to be apart of both groups actually but I only made that as a quiet observation- everyone was confused and talking amongst themselves so I didn't want to ask.

Although I didn't remember much about him, we seemed to fall right back into whatever relationship we might have had before I was taken away. He was the big, over protective brother again and for once in my life I felt protected- I felt wanted and in a place where someone genuinely cared about me in the family way, not like the kids looked at me to be the adult in a situation and not like the adults, other than Marissa maybe, who looked at me to take on the responsibilities they couldn't.

I was silent for most of the afternoon. I felt intimidated, small- I felt really, really short around 14 other guys, the shortest of which was my brother, and whenever someone asked me a question I answered it quietly. Tobi was the one I noticed making a genuine effort to get to know me, the others were of course, but he was the one I noticed. He was nice.

Vikk and I didn't get any time alone until later that evening when he pulled me into the hallway, wrapping me in another huge hug.

We didn't say anything for a while until my shoulders started trembling and everything just... fell apart. I started bawling, I couldn't help it, and everything that I had been keeping in for 7 years started to flood out and I couldn't stop it anymore. Vikk's arms were strong but he was crying too.

"Why did it take so long?" I finally mumbled. I wanted answers- the real ones. "Why couldn't you find me?"

"Because they wouldn't let me access your papers. Once you were out of the country your papers were removed I think, they went to whatever the system in New Zealand is. They changed your last name and as far as I was concerned, I wasn't a relative of yours. You have no idea how hard I tried to find you... but now it doesn't matter. Because you're here."

I nodded slowly but my eyes were fixed on something else- a burn on the inside of his forearm, a long scar stretching from his wrist all the way to his elbow. He smiled a little.

"That's from the fire, yeah. There's a couple more on my chest. I think you knew about them?"

"I don't remember much." I whispered. "I barely remembered your name. Trauma, I think."

"I forgot a lot too, honestly. I barely remember anything about the last few years before the fire so it probably was the trauma." He mused.

There was silence for another moment before I asked something I had wanted to know for a long time-

"Where are our parents buried?"

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