Chapter 7

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The nurse paused and spoke.

"Well, as far as I know you were in a hit and run accident, but it wasn't your fault. As you said the car was going at twice the speed in a 30km zone. You have a concussion and you had to get stitches down the back of your head. Thankfully the cut was right on the hairline near the base of your neck, your skateboard is fine, as are all of your belongings." I nodded, so it wasn't too bad.

"So you guys are here on a holiday and saw it happen?" I asked, directing it towards the boys. Rob shrugged.

"Kind of, we saw the car speeding and turning the corner but we never saw it hit you. You were on the ground by the time we got there." Again I nodded, that made sense, plus that time gap where I just lay on the ground.

"You should be completely fine, just stay away from loud noises for a little while and look after yourself, you have a concussion after all. But before you go I have some records here. It says you were in hospital in London, for 3rd degree burns care, am I correct?" I nodded.

"Upper thighs and lower stomach. Therapy for the loss of my parents and trying to cope, I was in the public system for all of that. That's about it."

"Well I have to say, you've improved dramatically and you have been in for regular check-ups since then with no trouble, other than this." She smiled. "No medications, no nothing."

"Yes, that's right."

"You are free to leave now, Ms. Lily." The nurse said. I grinned and happily obliged, pulling a beanie back on my messy hair and shaking my arms out to get rid of the stiffness.

I waved one final goodbye to the nurse as she left the room, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed and standing. Attempting to stand actually because the second my legs hit the ground my knees gave way and I collapsed to the floor- not gracefully by any means. My collapse wasn't sudden or anything and I wasn't hurt, and I laughed.

I felt like a 3-year-old sitting on the floor but I took a moment to stretch out my legs, shaking them out and leaning forwards until my chest was basically touching the floor.

"How the hell do you do that?" Preston said, staring at me in surprise, while Lachlan leaned against the wall laughing at me, because I was still sprawled on the floor. I groaned dramatically and Rob walked over to me, taking my hand and pulling me to my feet. I wobbled around the room trying to get used to the feeling of walking again.

"I've had enough of hospitals, let's go."

As walked out of the hospital with the boys I stopped and stood near the war memorial, which was just outside the hospital and looked up at the names plastered in the stone. I never knew anyone who was related to the soldiers, but I still found it really sad that people had to go through that. I looked over at the boys, who were standing by a car, which I assumed was theirs.

Preston and Rob were chatting happily together and Lachlan, Mitch and Jerome were chasing each other around the car yelling random insults at each other. I smiled because it reminded me of my friends, Devon and everyone at the home. We would have small talks or be really immature and chase each other around. They were like my second family, because I when I lost my family they were the first friends I told about it and they supported me through all of it.

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