Chapter 4

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No. I couldn't be bothered with those girls right now- big bullies of mine when I was in school. I sighed and turned around, rolling my eyes. The girl who had yelled at me was standing in my face, she was a lot taller than me too. Honestly, they thought they were gangsters or something, using slang and pretending it was their territory. This was a white, mostly middle class neighbourhood with a decent school.

"What are you doing here!?!" I sighed.

Oh for crying out loud! I thought, I just wanted to get her out of the way and meet Devon, like I had planned, but apparently she had other plans. She snickered, caught up to me and put her hands onto my shoulders, pulling her face close to mine and grinned.

"I thought I told you to keep off our patch, care girl.

I internally groaned and pulled her hands off me. Everyone knew she was talking crap, she went to my school but it was obvious who was from the home because of the hand-me-down clothes and the massive group we walked home with everyday.

"Really? One, that insult is so overused, two, I don't care about your 'patch', three, I still don't care. And four your breath smells bad, brush your teeth."

Her expression fell and I smirked, I knew how to push her buttons. I turning and walked off, grinning a bit, and went to look for Devon. I couldn't find him anywhere so I texted him- he replied saying that he was sick and couldn't come. With that I decided I was either going to head to the skate park or go back home. I thought for a minute before deciding to go back home, I couldn't do anything while I was out.

I knew at home I would either help out with the meals, watch over the younger kids or go back upstairs to draw. I didn't feel like being in much company that day so I decided that when I got back I would go and draw or help out with the kids, probably both, just whatever I felt like. Jumping on my skateboard I turned and began heading for home.

Several minutes of skateboarding passed before I had to cross a reasonably busy road so I stopped to cross, before looking both ways before skating to half way. It was a habit to be very careful on the road because most times I had kids with me, I had to set a good example. I stopped at half way to let a car pass before trying to cross once again. Key word being trying.

A car turned the corner at maybe 2 times the speed limit, which was 30 kilometres per hour, and sped past me just as I was about to get onto the footpath, clipping the back of my skateboard, sending me flying into the air and back onto the road again. It roared off down the road, not even slowly down despite the noise it must have made when it hit me- there was no way the driver didn't know he had hit me.

My head hit the road, hard, bouncing on the asphalt, and my world went black for a few seconds before my vision cleared and the pain hit me. I groaned and lay my head back, and I felt something sticky in my hair- I knew it was blood. I wasn't sure how much time passed but everything continued to ache, the wet patch in my hair grew.

I heard a car and then several yells, but my head was in so much pain I just lay still on the road. I couldn't understand what they were saying but there was a lot of yelling and people milling around, at least 4 or 5.

I felt a hand on my head and I screamed in pain, pulling away from the touch. There was a hiss and someone yelled right next to me, something more distinctive and I could make it out.

"- really injured, there's blood everywhere!"

There was more voices around me, all of who were male from what I could tell, and all of them were running backwards and forwards, some of them checking over me, one was holding a cloth against my head to stop the bleeding and others on the phone, to the police I assumed.

I could see my vision going black again, despite the people trying to stop the bleeding, but I felt safe enough that I let myself slowly slip away.

Before I blacked out completely another voice yelled something, half the sentence indistinguishable due to the pain and impaired concentration-

"-ambulance! She's passing out!"

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