Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sound of low chattering, a multitude of voices, a low hum of conversation that I couldn't quite make out.

Beep. Beep. Beep. There was a constant, steady beat and I immediately picked on the smell of clean, the sharp scent of antiseptic, the smell of a hospital. I groaned and squinted my eyes open, wincing at the bright white light coming from the ceiling, an unnatural light that stung.

There was a louder voice, not even a yell, and I covered my ears because the sudden and rather loud noise caused a shock of pain through my head. There was a slight hiss of sorry from the person who cried out, and I opened my eyes fully to glare at them, but my attention was quickly dragged to everything else.

That person was a man, and he was tall. Like, really tall. Blonde hair and blue eyes, a sharp jawline, and standing behind him were two more people. I looked at them curiously and struggled to sit up on my elbows, but that only cause even more pain. I fell back on the bed, glaring at nothing in particular. The blonde man laughed and I turned to him.

I heard a different voice and perked my ears up. "Are you okay?" I nodded a bit but turned my concentration to attempting to sit up again. This attempt went a little better, managing to half sit up while leaning heavily against the pillow behind me.

The door opened and I looked up, startled, only to see 2 more people walk through the door, followed closely by a nurse dressed in blue scrubs.

"What's this, the Queen's Coronation?" I commented, startling the life out of the 2 people who had just walked in. "Hi, I'm awake."

"I can see that, how are you?" The nurse said, smiling at me. "Lily, is it? Lily Rose?

"Yes?" I said, more of a question than an answer- see, Rose wasn't my last name but I utterly refused to use the name my adoptive family had given me, and only god knows what my actual last name was. "And I'm fine. Head's sore, but that's about it."

"That's good. You might want to introduce yourselves-" She directed the last part at the people gathered at the end of my bed, all five of them. "And then we'll do everything else." I half glared at her, wanting answers right then, that second. "Patience kiddo, we'll get there"

I frowned for a moment before asking a question. The aching in my muscles indicated I had been lying down for a while but then again it could have been due to the fact that I had just been hit by a car.

"Ummmm, one thing... How long have I been here?" The nurse looked at her watch before replying.

"It's almost 3 o'clock now...

"Holy sssshhhh-" I cut myself off. "Does anyone have my phone?" One of the young men standing at the end of my bed nodded and handed it to me- it was undamaged thankfully, no cracks or chips that I could see after a moment of scanning it.

I quickly opened it and scanned the notifications. Oh no, I was so dead when I got home. I winced at the number of missed calls from Marissa, as well as the pain in my head. 12, plus a hundred and something texts. I had told her I was only going out for the morning, an hour or two tops, and because she was legally responsible for me, she at least liked to know where I was.

As I looked through the messages another call came through and I picked up, holding the phone as far away from my ear as possible. Good thing I did that, because a jumble of yells echoed from it and I winced a little, waiting for her to begin.

"Young lady where have you been, all of us have been worried sick! You said you'd be back by half past 10 and all of the kids have been asking where you are! Don't do that again!" The nurse seemed slightly shocked at the outburst, but calmed down enough to speak.

"I wouldn't yell like that please, Lily here has a concussion and yelling certainly won't help that." There was silence from the other end of the phone, and then the yelling of a child. Not unusual.

The boys, who I didn't know by the way, were looking at me weirdly but I shook it off as nothing- well, not nothing, they had just taken me to hospital after I had been hit by a car.

"Right. You have a lot of explaining to do Lily."

"Ummmm... I honestly don't know." I whispered, looking at the nurse and the boys. "A little help?"

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