Chapter 12

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At that word he started and looked me straight in the eye. I could see the shock and disbelief flooding his face, before small tears started to form in the corners of his eyes. I knew at once that it was him, he knew what that word ment to me, and how much it ment to him too.

"How? After all this time? I've tried for so long, and this was all it took?" I felt feelings flood my body, all at once and far too many of them. Relief, shock, disbelief, anger, frustration, worry, shame, all at once. I could see the flood of emotions running through him too and I reached out towards the screen, feeling tears start to well in the corners of my eyes.

Rob wasn't the only one looking at us now, all of the other boys had their eyes trained on me, some eyes curious, some eyes wide with understanding.

"Lily? Is Vikk.. Is Vikk- your brother?" I covered my mouth with my hand and nodded, scarcely believing it.

"I just- I just can't believe it! After so long... All it took was a chance?" Jerome snorted.

"And that chance was you getting hit by a car?" Vikk's head shot up and he looked at me, worried.

"What?" Preston shook his head and glared at Jerome, flipping him the bird.

"You're being a little insensitive, you know that Jerome?" He shrugged it off but looked at me, giving me an apologetic look to try and say sorry.

I just shrugged it off, my body in too much shock to comprehend what was happening. I could feel my hands shaking, my head bowed and my brain trying to think straight without collapsing. Vikk was staring at me, his mouth agape and eyes wide.

"Lily?" I looked up at my name and saw Vikk, resting his head in his hands.

"Yeah?" He took in a deep breath before speaking again, pulling his head up and looking down at his screen.

"Do you want to come back to London?"


I dragged my suitcase along the floor, listening to the chatter and laughter of everyone around me. I wasn't really paying attention to anyone, just thinking about what had happened.

Vikk had paid for my flight back and I had taken it gladly, knowing that I was finally able to see him again, after 7 years of being apart. Everyone else was coming back with me, taking the oppotuinty to go to England rather than going home for a longer stretch of holiday.

"Lily?" I looked up, Lachlan was standing right in front of me with a concerned look on his face.


"You okay? You seem a little distant." I shrugged.

"I'm not sure how to take this, 7 years is a long time to find out your brother is still in London and can recognise you." I sighed, rubbing my forehead.

He squeezed my shoulder gently, nodding in the direction everyone else had gone, where they were getting the tags for their bags. I followed, following the instructions onscreen and printed the tag out, tying it around the handle of my suitcase before placing it on the convyer belt with the other bags.

It was 2 days since I had found out about Vikk and I had gone back home for a little while, to tell Marissa what had happened and for her to give permission for me to go. Because I was still a minor I had to get parental permission and Marissa was the one to give it, being the one in charge of our documents.

"Come on, we're heading to the lounge now, do you want anything to eat?" I shrugged, not really feeling like eating anything but knowing I probably should. "Lily you should probably have something, you didn't have much for breakfast this morning."

I sighed, finally nodding.

"Just something small like a sandwich." Lachlan pointed over at a small shop in the corner which sold sandwhichs and things along those lines. I followed him towards the shop, noting that everyone else, Preston, Mitch, Jerome and Rob, had sat down on some benches in the corner with their laptops already pulled out.

In the shop there was display counter full of sandwiches and I looked over them for about a minute before pointing at the ham and egg one. I liked egg sandwiches, we got them at home quite a lot because eggs and bread weren't expensive and it was easy to make.

Lachlan also got a sandwich and then paid for both of them, handing the other one to me.

"Thank you." I barely said it loud enough for him to hear me but he must have, because he smiled at me, making our way back to the others. Mitch looked up when we sat back down and then stood up, dissapearing into a different shop probably to buy lunch.

I ate my sandwich gratefully before pulling my phone out, opening my reading app and opening the book I was last reading and letting it pull me into the fantasy world.

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