Chapter 26

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     I follow Kaz out of the apartment and grab him by his arm. "I can't go with you anywhere this morning," I say as Kaz continues to talk on the phone. "We'll be there later on today." He says then hangs up the phone. "What do you mean that you can't go this morning?" He asks as he puts his phone in his pocket and looks at me. "My dad's coming to see me," I reply as I pull him back inside of the apartment. "Can't you just cancel?" He asks and I laugh sarcastically as I shake my head. "Cancel on my dad? You've obviously lost your mind, Kaz," I say as I walk into the kitchen and open the refrigerator. "Good thing that I got the tickets for a later time today," Kaz says and I hear his voice coming closer. 

     "I thought that you liked my dad," I comment as I look inside the refrigerator for something to eat. "I do like your dad, but I'm just trying to get you away from all of the chaos that's happened recently," He says and I look at him as my hands reach into the refrigerator looking for food like a college student in the morning with a hangover. "If anyone's going to help me forget, it's my dad. Whenever I'm around him nothing's as bad as it really is." I tell Kaz seriously and he sits on a stool placed around the island. "I suppose that you're right," He says and I laugh as I pull off a cup of yogurt from the refrigerator. It's strawberry and new so I open it then grab a spoon and start to eat. 

     "When is he supposed to be coming?" Kaz asks as I sit next to him on another stool. "I don't know honestly. He said that he'd be here in the morning." I reply and he nods his head just as the doorbell rings. I get up and open the door as I eat more yogurt. My dad's standing there with a bag full of McDonald's and I smile as I pull him into a hug. "Hey, dad. How are you?" I ask as he hugs me back then walks inside. "I'm good considering that my one and only daughter insists on getting in trouble." He says and I frown at his back as I follow him to the kitchen. "In my defense, I'm not dead. At least give me points for that." I say as I sit back down on my stool next to Kaz. 

     Kaz stands up and shakes my dad's hand before my dad pulls Kaz into a hug. "Why did you let those things happen to my daughter?" My dad asks as they both sit down. "I didn't just let her go willingly, Sir. She literally kicked me out of my car then drove. I had to call an Uber just to get back to my company." He replies and my dad looks at me. "Is that true, Rose?" He asks and I nod my head. "Yes, Sir," I reply and my dad looks at me stunned. "Well then, thank you for getting her back for me, Kaz," my dad says and Kaz wraps an arm around my shoulder before he pulls me closer to him. "It was no trouble, Sir. I can't live without her," He says and I blush deeply then shove him away slightly. 

     "Okay okay okay. Enough with all of the emotions already." I say as I start to dig through my dad's bag full of food. I pull out a sausage biscuit with cheese and start to eat it. "Your mother was like that too." My dad says and Kaz looks at me as my dad laughs. I blush and continue to eat as Kaz smiles slightly. "She's always loved eating food more than anything. She has such a huge sweet tooth that's it was always a problem for her dentist." My dad says and I blush even deeper and shove him slightly as I finish eating. "I've known that ever since I met her," Kaz says and I nod my head. "The way to my heart is candy and chocolate," I say and all three of us start to laugh. 

     "When are we supposed to leave, Kaz?" I ask as my dad gets his things together and starts to leave. He looks at his watch and frowns slightly then meets my eyes again. "In a few hours actually. Two and a half at most," He replies and my dad looks our way. "Where are you two supposed to be going?" He asks and I look at Kaz expectantly. "I'm going to take her out of the country for a little while. Just to give her some time to calm down and relax for a while," Kaz replies and my dad and I raise an eyebrow at the same time. "Why do I need to get out of the country?" I ask and my dad nods his head in agreement. "Because I feel like that with everything that's been going on she could use a new scene for her eyes." He replies and my dad nods his head. 

     "I agree with Kaz for once, Rose. You should get out more and explore," He says and I nod my head and shrug. "Okay then. I'm actually kind of excited about this. I'll go and get packed." I say before I hug my dad and kiss his cheek. "Bye, dad. I love you," I tell him then kiss Kaz's cheek. I go into our bedroom and put on a pair of overalls with a white shirt under it before I put my converse on. I grab a suitcase and start to pack throwing in all of the normal things for packing a suitcase such as underwear, clothes, and toiletries. I zip my bag and go back into the living room to see my dad has gone and Kaz waiting for me. "Let's go," I say excitedly as I pull him after me to his car. 

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