Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


My dad bursts through the door and runs right up to me. "What's wrong with my baby girl?" He asks as he sits down right next to me. "I'm fine daddy." I say and he rolls his eyes before he looks at Kaz. "What's wrong with her?" My dad asks Kaz and he points to my ribs. "She was fine when she came home,but when I touched her side she screamed." Kaz explains and I sit up. "I'm fine dad." I say and he touches my side causing me to scream out in pain. "That's what I thought." My dad says and I give him a hard glare. "We need to get her to a hospital right now." Kaz says and my eyes widen as I start to have a panic attack. "You really shouldn't have said that." My dad mutters and calms me down. "Rose is terrified of hospitals. Always has and always will, that's why her mother and I became doctors. So that we could take care of our little girl." My dad explains and I nod my head in agreement. "What do you need me to do?" Kaz asks and my dad hands Kaz a phone. "Call you doctor and tell him to come right away with materials to make a cast." My dad says and Kaz bids his head before he runs out of the room.

{Thirty minutes later...}
About half an hour later, a nice looking old man walks through the door and right up to Kaz. "What's wrong Kaz? I came as fast as I possibly could." The doctor says and Kaz points to me. "I'm as healthy as a horse,doctor. Its my girlfriend Rose. Her father's a doctor and he said that he needed the things to make a cast with." Kaz quickly explains and the doctor walks over to me. "Hello, my names is Dr. Carson. What seems to be the matter with you?" The doctor says and I point to my dad. "Ask my father." I suggest and he does just that. "What's the matter with her?" Dr. Carson asks my father and he points to my ribs. "Rib bones numbers 1(one) -(through) 6(six) to the left side are completely shattered, and the right side has teeny, tiny hairlike fractures on each rib bone." My father explains and Dr. Carson nods his head in agreement. "Well I'm glad that you asked for the cast materials ahead of time. That was very helpful, and useful to us." Dr. Carson says and they start to move me so that they can put the cast on me.

{About three hours later...}
"Don't let her move,and watch over her for a while." My dad and Mr. Carson say in unison. "Yes sir. She won't do anything but eat and sleep for the next three weeks." Kaz says and my father as well as Dr. Carson nods their heads in approval. "I'll see you soon my little dancer!" My dad calls out as he and Dr. Carson leave the apartment. I finally heave a long,heavy,tired sigh after they leave. "What's wrong with you Rose?" Kaz asks and I look at my fingers instead of directly at him. "I hate wearing casts. I can barely do anything in it, and I have to cancel my singing AND my dancing classes. "I'm going to lose so much money. How will I cover everything ?" I start to say as I begin to panic. "Well figure everything out. Okay? No need to worry at all." Kaz says and kisses me on the lips. "I wish that you could put your hands around my waist instead of around my cast." I think aloud and he nods his head. "Are you ready for bed?" Kaz asks me and I nod my head. We to into my bedroom and I Fall asleep in his arms... Sort of.

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