Chapter 1 ~ Mission Briefing

Bắt đầu từ đầu

   Charmy, Espio, Silver and Vector turned to face the screen on the back wall, while Amy read from her laptop. They all stared, waiting patiently as the picture and information loaded.

Name: (To be determined...)

Gender: Female

Age: (To be determined...)

Species: (F/S)

Fur Colour: (F/C)

Eyes: (E/C)

Skin: (S/C)

Summary and Notes: I had been leading a patrol in the city, looking for survivors with Tactical Team Tango. We had been searching the buildings, and we found her there. On the verge of passing out, with several (non-life threatening) injuries. She had wounds that had healed from, what might be weeks of no treatment. Which makes us question how long she was out there for.

She had seemed threatened when she first saw us, clearly not recognizing that we were the Resistance. Acting erratic, violent, and scared. Again, how long was she out in the city for? Long enough to be unable to know who is on your side.

Once we had made it clear that we were no threat, we had found her dog tags, it was damaged from what we believe were explosions and fire. Her name was blacked out, but it had identification for Strike Team Gamma. A team made up of 12 members that were sent into the city over 5 months ago to eliminate threats and evacuate civilians. Unfortunately, they were eradicated in the process. She may have been in the city since Gamma was deployed.

In the few days I've been with her, she hasn't said a word, only nodding, gesturing, etc. Doctors have investigated, they say the hits she has taken aren't enough to make her silence physical. (Continue to monitor closely...)

At the mention of "the masked one", she becomes tense, looking around the room. Suggesting she had a first-hand encounter with them. (To be determined...)

Shows signs of aggression at supposedly random times. Growling, glaring, teeth baring, etc. Should be temporary, due to traumatic experiences. Or perhaps she has certain "triggers", like some soldiers do. (Continue to monitor...)

She always keeps a (S/F/C) bandana with her, perhaps for emotional comfort.

Has skills in marksmanship, as well as close range. Seeming expanded knowledge of first-aid. And she has possible intel we need.


I know some of you aren't happy about the lack of information. But when I asked her to join, she agreed. She knew the risks she was taking.

I personally want to help her on her journey to find her voice again. I hope you feel the same.

Sincerely, Gunnery Sergeant Knuckles

  There was a long silence as everyone read the screen. Judging by how long it was, everyone had to have finished reading the file. No one knew what to say. There was nothing to say.

   Charmy's mouth opened, about to talk. Before he could get the words out, the metal doors opened. A red figure stepped through, back straight, shoulders strong. Giving off an authoritative aura.

   "Knuckles!" Silver jumped, happy at the sight of his chief officer. Most were glad when you see someone you know. In war, anyone can disappear in the blink of an eye. "What's the sit-rep, Commander?"

   "Happy to see you're all still alive," Knuckles replies, scanning the room and everyone's faces. His gaze eventually fell on the screen on the wall. You could tell that he knew what it was the moment his eyes fell on it.

Who I Am (Infinite x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ