Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Well sorry doesn't cut it. " I say.

"Leah!" Kael warns.

"What? We just found out we have another twin!"

"I know, but you're acting way out of line."

"Why are you not mad?"

"I am mad, but I'm more happy than anything! We have another sister! Our family is getting bigger. I'm not gonna be a bitch about it and throw attitude to our dad."

"Really? I'm so done with this." I say and storm out of my house. Two storm outs in one day? Wow I'm on a roll.

I drive away again with my mind jumbled and no idea where i'm going. I should probably just drive around until I run out of gas and turn my phone off so no one can bother me. Or I can go to someone who will just comfort me with no questions asked.

I drive straight to my destination with only one thought on my mind. They better be home.


Why did I think they were gonna be home? I hit my head against the steering wheel several times before I decide to sit on the porch of their home.

I can't fucking believe this. I try so hard to remember. A third child. My sister, but no, the last thing I ever really remember is my mom kissing me on the forehead the night before she left. I remember it so clearly. Like it just happened last night.

It was a family night and we were all in the kitchen. Me and Kael sitting on the bar stools, and Aly was attached to my moms side. Mom and Dad were making Kael and I's favorite food at the time. Macaroni and Cheese. It was the best and the fact that they made it together makes it so much better.

After dinner, we just sat around the table talking. Well more like me and Kael talking and Mom and Dad listening. Then we played the usual board game, Monopoly. I got mad and threw the game peice at Kael because I accused him of cheating. On the record, he was, the bastard liked to cheat when it came to Monopoly.

Well me and Kael being me and Kael got into a full blown fist fight. Like always, mom and dad separated us and sent us to our rooms.

I remember falling asleep and waking up in the middle of the night. Kael walked in my room and I scooted over on my bed so he could lay with me. He only sleeps with me when our parents fight. And it was one of those nights

I could hear them yelling from their room, but it was muffled by the walls. Which I was thankful for. Even with my high curiosity, I didn't really want to know what they're talking about.

Then it all stopped. The yelling ceased and I was happy for that. We could go back to being a happy family. Then I heard footsteps and my door opened. I closed my eyes pretending to sleep. Then I heard my mom whisper, "Mommy's going away for a long long time baby. I love you." She kissed me and that was the end of it. She left that night and I haven't seen her since.

I think about that night every single day before I sleep. I feel the warmth of my tears falling down my cheeks.

I can't deny that I miss her, and that I still love her. If she ever came back into my life, I can't say I'd be happy to see her.

And my father, how could he even keep something like that. How could he keep this whole thing from us. I can't believe he-


I look up and see Cody standing there.

"Anderson? Thats's new." I say and wipe away whatever remaining tears were left on my face.

"What are you doing here? It's twelve at night."

I didn't realize I was here that long.

"Well, I found out about some things today, and I couldn't really go to anyone."

"So you came to me?" He asks confused. "I'm flattered, really, but you have all your boys, and Mariah. Surely, they'll be there for you."

I stand there and stare at him, debating if I should say it now, or later. I take in a breath and look straight into his eyes. I take a step closer and closer and closer until i'm standing right in front of him.

"Because what we have is something I don't have with them. I like you, a lot. And I want my boyfriend to understand and know me better than anyone."


Yay for updates! I know it's been pretty long, but at least it's up! How'd you like it? Drop your comments below and tell me what you thought! This chapter isn't as long s usual, but it is filled with so much!

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Love you lovebugs c:

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