Did He Just Say That?!!?

Start from the beginning

"Who hares you Ni?" Shit. I forgot that Harry and Brodrick were here.

"No one." I said as calmly as possible. I couldn't handle this right now. I am pissed at him for leaving me this morning, for dating that prick, and most of all for just being...him! Why do I like him so much?!

"Ni, what are you talking about? Who wants to kill you?" Harry asked. Fuck him! He can go suck Brodricks Dick! Wait...no I don't want him doing that...

"I need a drink" I said and walked to the cabinet where all the liquor is kept and grabbed a beer.

"We should have a party tonight! Well just us but you know..." I said taking a drink of my beer. Nobody said no to it so I got out some drinks and passed them around.

~~~~~~~~~~~a "couple" drinks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~Still Ni's POV~

I felt a bit better now, a bit buzzed. (Just a bit...nothing too bad...) Lou started to loosen up a bit and he actually sat next to me. Zayn was sitting on the counter next to the table, he wasn't that drunk he'd only had about 3 beers I think...

Zayn. I know Zayn!

"I know you!" I yelled out while pointing at him. He laughed and nodded. I had sex with him!!

"I had sex with you!" I yelled and his face turned from happy to shocked to embarrassed. Harry spit out his beer that he was drinking and Lou just looked shocked.

"Erm....he doesnt know what he's talking about...he's drunk!" Tarah shouted trying to cover up my outburst. Harry slammed down his beer and looked at me.

"You did WHAT!" He yelled. I think he was a bit drunk...I'm not sure though. Damn did I have to spell iit out for him?

"I. Fucked. Him." I said slowly and pointed to Zayn. Harry looked at me with wide eyes and an open mouth.

"He is very talented. Did you know he has like NO

gag-" Someone put their hands over my mouth to stop me.


~Zayn's POV~

"I had sex with you!" He yelled and I immediately stopped laughing. Did he just say what I think he did?! Holy shit way to embarrass us! Well technically he only embarrassed me seeing as he's drunk and doesn't give a flying Fuck right now.

Harry spit out the beer he had in his mouth and looked at me. I blushed hard and looked anywhere but him.

"Erm....he doesn't know what he's talking about...he's drunk!" Tarah shouted. Oh bless her! She is trying to save me from Niall.

Harry slammed down his beer bottle and turned to Ni.

"You did WHAT?!" He screamed. Oh shit. No Ni, don't do it! He looked at Harry with a smirk and I knew he was going to say something way worse.

"I. Fucked. Him." he said slowly as if Harry couldn't understand him if he talked any faster. He pointed towards me and Harry slowly followed. I could tell he was pissed. He looked back at Ni with wide eyes and an open mouth. As if it wasn't enough torture, he continued.

"He is very talented. Did you know he has like NO

gag-" I cut him off by putting my hand over his mouth. Great. I looked over to Lou and he was passed out. Thank god!!!! If he would have heard I think if I would've died of embarrassment. I sighed and looked around the room. Harry still had that looks on his face, Brody was sitting next to him trying to cover up a laugh, Dick. Liam was just as shocked as us and he gave me a sad smile. Tarah was blushing hard, she looked like she was debating whether this was a good or bad thing. I slowly pulled my hand away from Nia's mouth, I mean I couldn't hold it there forever!

You're Mine. Not His. (Narry Storan/Zouis Talik/Ziall Horlik)Where stories live. Discover now