Start from the beginning

Little Hisham immediately let out a gasp his face full of hurt.

"That is very mean Mama. Allah is going to be very mad at you."

"Hisham. Cat. On. The. Floor. Now."

"Then I am also eating on the floor," he said, his tiny hands crossed over his chest.

"If Akhi is eating on the floor then I am also eating on the floor, Mama," said Yasir who had been quietly listening to his mother and brother arguing.

"The only thing that will eat on the floor is that" said Yasmin pointing at the cat.

"Its not a 'thing' okay. Its a cat. In fact I am going to name it Boo Boo Bear and it is going to become my pet from now on."


"Yes Yasir?"

"You cannot name it Boo Boo Bear. Its a cat, not a Bear."

"I know bro but it will just have to be named like a bear because some peeeeeeople refused to buy me a bear to keep as a pet," said Hisham while shooting daggers at his mother.

"A bear cannot be kept as a pet Hisham," said Yasmin while rolling her eyes.

"But a cat can be a pet right? So Boo Boo Bear is here to stay. In fact the name even gets better... Boo Boo Bear Hosseini- The Hosseini family cat."

Yasmin palmed her face shaking her head due to disbelief. Hussein was for sure going to pass out once he found out that his family name had just been added to a cat's.

"Okay so whats for lunch? Boo Boo Bear is hungry."

"That stray cat is not staying here Hisham."

"Did she just call Boo Boo Bear, stray?" Hisham asked Yasir.

"She did."

"Astaghfirullah. Mama please start repenting right this minute."

"Wait i'l show you," said Yasmin as she grabbed a nearby rag and chased the stray cat out, much to Hisham's dismay.

"That was very very mean of you. How do you think Boo Boo Bear felt?" he asked with tears in his eyes.

And that had led to another series of arguments between mother and son.

Yasir sadly smiled when he remembered how Hisham had refused to eat and sleep just because Boo Boo Bear did not have food and a place to stay.

Then how could a person who had so much love and care in his heart for anything living, hit a woman? And that too his wife?

It just didn't make sense unless there was grave reason hidden behind his action.



"Why did you hit her?" he asked, hoping that the reason would be so grave that it would somewhat justify his brother's action.

"We had an argument!"

"Over what?"

"Nothing important."

Yasir let out a sigh as he shook his head. His Akhi was still lying. But why?

"So you hit her over something that was not important?"


"Really? Are you even sure that you hit her?"


HER BLIND HUSBAND ( A Wattpad Featured Story)Where stories live. Discover now