Gumi Megpoid x Reader

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You felt like if someone'd just lit you on fire your hot face would make sense. You pressed your hands against your cheeks as they continued to burn under your palms. "No! It's not like that!" You snapped while continuing to blush like a psycho and Gumi just shrugged.

"If that's what you're into...." She trailed off to leave something more than needed to be implied as the both of you walked slower. You felt, whether it was ego or something, that Gumi wanted to grab your hand and thread your fingers together in some kind of old fashioned, wordless sign. But she didn't and some part of you was disappointed she didn't.

When the both of you walked up to the other four Kaito suddenly grinned down at you. "Awww~ (Your Name), you're blushing~" Kaito crooned like you were some kind of baby as Meiko hid a grin behind her hand as Rin smiled and Len covered a laugh with a cough.

"Shut it!" You snapped holding the straps of your bag now, cheeks still very much hot. "What do you guys even want?"

"We want to hang out!" Rin chirped her blue eyes glowing happily on you and you realized, with a tiny jerk, how her eyes scanned the distance between you and Gumi unhappily but her eyes were then attached back on you. "Would you mind that? Do you have other plans?"

"Um....."  You let your gaze trail to Gumi who had a blank, rather detached look on her face as she shifted from foot to foot lightly. "Well, I was just gonna eat ice cream with Gumi after school."

"So, Gumi, do you mind if we come over as well?" Len finally pitched in vocalizing himself in the conversation and you smiled at him. Len was always someone you could depend on, what with him not willing to be forgotten easily when his bright as the sun, bouncy big sister was around.

Gumi seemed to think it over before answering, plastering a bright smile on her face. "Not at all! I don't mind you guys coming over at all!" She smiled up at you as well, wide and bright at you.

Maybe that's were you should have said no. Maybe, if you had, things would have turned out much differently.


"You guys are so boring!" Rin pouted up at Len, Meiko and Kaito who were pulling their coats on smiling at her affectionately. "Why don't you three stay longer? It'll be funner for me, Gumi and (Your Name)!"

"Unlike you, Kaito, Meiko and I have things to do." Len replied rather dryly and shrugged his coat into place then turned pulling his shoes on and then walking to the door as Kaito and Meiko did the same. You felt the urge to shout 'Don't go! Not yet!' but bit your tongue to keep from speaking as you clenched your hands in your lap.

It wasn't just the childlike reaction of your friends leaving it was something else. Something that charged the room with electric shocks and crackled on your skin making your hair raise on your arms and the back of your neck itch. Something was wrong and something that didn't feel safe. Something that was ready to snap faster than a taut rubber band. It was going to snap and you were afraid of what that would mean and also made you curious as to what this...this energy was.

"Bye!" The single word was overlapped four times by Rin, Len, Kaito and Meiko but Gumi just waved still as silent as when all of you got there after school. Your parents would, hopefully, be coming home soon but as working people they were sometimes they didn't come home until two, three in the morning which was bullshit but it happened since they both decided to take the night shift. Well, your father did, your mom just did over time. A lot.

"Bye." You forced the word out weakly as the three of them left and you felt that electricity charge up five times as intense and made you want to run or crawl out of your skin. Or both. Your legs bounced with the urge to get up and run but you couldn't identify why, for just a second, before it clicked. Adrenaline. The fight or flight response was going over board when Gumi stood up and your heart nearly froze when she moved so suddenly and you nearly bolted like a frightened rabbit.

Just Say You Love Me! (Yandere Vocaloids x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن