💜💟🧡❤️💛Sunday Part Seven💛❤️🧡💟💜

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Eva was simply working on another oneshot for the day. She wanted to keep her readers enjoying her work and with constant updates so they don't leave her. She just published another oneshot when she got a text from Karen. How she knew it was Karen was because her ringtone was His theme.

Her message asked her if she and Shel could Love with her until, and she quotes, things blow over. Eva looked around, trying to figure out if she'd have enough space for two people to to love over here part time. This was a two bedroom two bathroom house. The spare bedroom was the merch room. 

Eva sighed and replied in her phone that she simply couldn't because of space. Eva felt terrible for letting them down like that. She added another text saying they can visit her anytime, but that didn't make Eva feel any better. It made her wonder what the heck happened though.



Kaori was chilling in her apartment. She was lonely  like always, but she still had fanfiction! Only one more year until college, then maybe she'd have a roommate in the college dorm and maybe then she would get more friends then just not the people in UTFC.

Kaori gets a text from one of the girls in the club named Karen. She doesn't talk to Karen much. She mostly talks to Alisha, Rainbow, and Eva. She looked at the message from Karen skiing if she and Shel could stay over until things blow off. 

Things? What things? Kaori texted back asking if everything was fine. It took a few minutes for Karen to responded, it she responded back soemthing ominous. Don't expect Emily or Molly to be around. 

Kaori was a little spooked. She stared at her phone a minute. Did they do something to Molly and Emily!? Kaori was being precautious. Sure, she had a blow up mattress and some sleeping bags they could share, but two potential killers!?

Ha ha, not in this house! Get the gross and some holy water because Kaori doesn't plan on dying any time soon! She texts back to Karen saying her apartment is too small and she doesn't have the supplies to care for two extra bodies.

And like that, Kaori was certain a murder was avoided and her life was saved. To risks taken.



Juliet was waiting on her roommate, N, to come back. Both were fourth year's and were in the UTFC. Which was great because Juliet had someone to fangirl with after class and after the club meetings. It was great.

So Juliet was watching some NaJ Poth comic dubs on her phone because NaJ Goth is freaking hawt when she got a text from one of the first years in the club. Her name was Karen. If she remembered correctly, Karen was the one obsessed with Fresh Sans. Huh, neat.

She texted her If she and Shel could stay over. Oh! Juliet knew Shel really well. Shel was the awesome one who knew how to party and wasn't scared to drop an F bomb when she was mad! Now remembering Shel, she could remember Karen well. She was Shel's right hand gal. 

Juliet looked at the tiny in-school dormitory. Yeah there was no way this small place can fit N, herself, and two extra first years. It was just absolutely insane! And impossible. Plus, why can't they just live with Molly and Emily like they always have? 

Juliet texted her why don't you ask Molly and Emily. There wasn't no a reply for five minutes until Juliet got a phone call from Karen's number. Juliet was a little spooked, but she was never a pussy. Oh no no no. She answered the phone.



After reading the Conversation Karen texted to Juliet, Shel just decided to take the phone. Ask Molly and Emily, huh? Thst was kind of hard since Molly is dead and Emily is mentally traumatized after watching the one she loves die and having to move back home instead of going to Etrian Boarding School. Shel called Juliet and she picked up after ringing a little.

"Yo, this is Juliet."

"Yeah, Juliet. This is Shel on Karen's phone. You see, Molly kinda offed herself and Emily kinda had to move back home so we don't have a place to stay. Do you have extra room for two more or not?"

Shel heard the phone drop on the other line. It must have turned off because a beeping indicating the call has ended rang in Shel's ear. Great. Now where the hell were they supposed to go? N lived with Juliet so she coudlnt call N... Eva and Kaori had no room. Molly and Emily are gone. Alisha and Rainbow won't answer their freaking phones!

Shel felt like she was going to pull all her hair out and stomp it into the ground. This was beyond stressful. Dealing with her friend suiciding out of literally nowhere was not the best thing for a first year at a boarding school for girls to experiance. She shoved the phone back in Karen's hands and fell to the ground.



Karen watched as Hern best friend was having a breakdown. She didn't like watching Shel crumble apart, seeing as this was VERY rare. Karen looked st her phone and pulled up Rainbow's number again. She would understand. She and Alisha, to her knowledge, lived next door to eachother. If they're each had room for one more, she and Shel won't have to go back home and they could stay with their friends.

She texted both Rainbow and Alisha, putting in all the details unlike what Shel do to do. Maybe if they understood the severity of the situation then someone would finally take them in. Molly was dead. Emily was gone. Karen and her best friend were homeless at the moment.

Oh, and forget about the idea of maintaing Molly's house. It cost way too much for two Freshmen in high school to continue payement for. First years needed either someone else to live with or a dorm, which was too expensive for the cheap girls.

Karen sighed. No reply still. She set her phone on the ground and slid down until she was sitting next to Shel. Karen sighed, looking in between her own legs which were stretched out before her. 

What were they going to do? Hopefully Rainbow and Alisha reply soon...


So the plot thickens. I swear the Sanses will come soon! I just realized, this was all one day! All of this was the same Sunday! I think around now it should be, eh, one o'clock? I should get back to Alisha and Rainbow, then check in on N and Juliet, then back to Eva. I'm sorry Kaori, but I think you'll be a very minor character...

1129 Words


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