Chapter 16

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When Luna walked into her house, the first thing she saw was Nathan, her aunt, and three strangers, two boys and one girl, Luna assumed they must've been Nathan's friends

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When Luna walked into her house, the first thing she saw was Nathan, her aunt, and three strangers, two boys and one girl, Luna assumed they must've been Nathan's friends

The shutting door made a loud sound that caught the attention of everyone in the house, Luna smiled sheepishly, as she put her bag on the couch and placed her keys on the counter before walking to the kitchen

She stopped in front of Tessa and placed a kiss on her cheek, and then went around the table to hug Nathan, and ruffle his hair to which he swatted her hand away

"Hi hun, how was your weekend with your friends?"Tessa asked, while she stood up from her chair to grab Luna a plate

Luna took off her coat and placed it behind her chair, as she sat down and thanked Tessa when she placed an empty plate in front of her

"It was fun" Luna told her while she scooped up food from the big bowl in the middle of the table and put it in her plate

Luna then looked up and saw the three strangers watching her like they were unsure of her

"Luna this is, Jacob, Leah, and Paul, my friends" Nathan introduced them, pointing at each individual as he mentioned their name

Luna smiled at them and waved before she continued to eat, Leah and Jacob gave her small smiles back while Paul nodded and the unsure look was still on their faces

"So uh, are you his girlfriend?"Jacob hesitated to ask, but to Luna, Tessa and even Nathan, it was an innocent question by someone who was only curious

Still Luna choked on her drink, while Tessa patted her back and laughed loudly, Nathan and Luna looked at each other before expressing their disgust

"Ew no, she's my sister"Nathan told Jacob who blushed in embarrassment, while Leah and Paul relaxed in their seats, but laughed silently. As they watched the two siblings interact

Tessa watched Jacobs eyes linger on Nathan when he wasn't facing him but quickly Avert them somewhere else when Nathan looked Jacob,

"Why do you hangout with the Cullen's anyway, they're weird"Nathan asked Luna as he took a bite out of his food

"They're not weird, they're...unique and they're nice"Luna defended them, sure they never ate in front of her, or wanted to hang out with her when the sun was out but that was fine with her because if they were weird then she liked weird

Paul leaned forward in his seat "the Cullen's?, your friends with them?" He asked, glancing at Leah and Jacob who were already looking at him too

"Yeah, you know them?"Luna replied

"Something like that"Leah muttered quietly, Luna nodded in confusion but let it go

Nathan grabbed his and Luna's plate and was about to head to the kitchen when Luna suddenly leaned forward and pulled Nathan's hoodie down (the collar part) and narrowed her eyes at the messy pinkish/reddish bruise that was on his collar bone (translation-hickey)

"Is that a- oh my god "Luna gaped at her older brother who pulled up his hoodie to cover his hickey and he blushed, since he could feel the eyes of his friends on him or more specifically his neck

"Luna, stop being nosey"he whispered, walking away to the kitchen but he wasn't far away enough to not hear Luna's ugly hyena laugh

He walked til he was behind a door being blocked from their view, before he turned and peaked through the door, where he saw his aunt Tessa cleaning the table with the help of Luna, but his friends looked to be deep in their thoughts

He felt guilty?, he wasn't sure why he was feeling guilty, he just knew that he was, maybe the guilt was because it was Avery who gave him the hickeys, who cared about him a lot but he didn't care for her the same way she hoped

Or maybe it was because Avery is Luna's best friend, and the last thing Luna would want is for either of them to be hurt

Or maybe it was because he actually liked Leah and possibly Jacob and Paul, he liked Leah because although she was kind towards him and mostly only him, she was also fiercely protective and supportive

He liked Jacob because he was gentle with him, the way he spoke, the way he looked at him as if he wanted to cherish him til his last breath

He liked Paul because Although he was guarded, he was still protective and even though he has a temper, he has learned to restrain himself a bit more than in the past and from the talks Nathan an Paul have had, he could tell he was loyal or at least to his family and he admired that for he was the same with his own

There were lots of maybes going on in his head but Nathan was tired of them

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