Chapter 8

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Nathan woke up to the sound of sobbing that was coming from Luna's bedroom, yawning Nathan rubbed his eyes tiredly, before heading to Luna's room

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Nathan woke up to the sound of sobbing that was coming from Luna's bedroom, yawning Nathan rubbed his eyes tiredly, before heading to Luna's room

He knocked three times, expecting her to shout come in like every other day, but that never happened

Furrowing his eyebrows Nathan pushed the door open as he heard Luna try and contain her sobs, "Kitten" he whispered sadly, Finding her huddled in a corner, a crumpled photo clutched to her chest, her face held pain, sadness and anger

Hearing shuffling near her, Luna lifted her head to see Nathan sitting next to her on the ground, legs to his chest, arms holding them in place.

"want to talk about it" he asked softly, Luna threw her arms around his neck, his arms instantly wrapping themselves around her small waist

"They aren't on a business trip are they, never were" Luna accused, distress laced with her words, Nathan held her tighter, placing his chin on top of her head

Nathan sighed after a moment "No, they weren't" he admitted, it had been four years since they left, at first he didn't know what was going on but over time he understood that their parents left them, their Aunt Tessa becoming their guardian, Luna was naive and believed they were on a business trip that would cause them to be away from home for a while, because that's what Tessa told them when they were younger and even though. It's been five years yet she had still hoped that they would eventually return.

Luna squeezed her eyes shut, tears flowing down her face "why didn't they want us anymore, why did they leave" Luna buried her face against her brothers shoulder

Nathan leaned back and stared at her in disbelief "Hey, listen to me. It is not our fault, we didn't do anything wrong. We were just kids who needed a parent, and that wasn't them. Aunt T is more of a parent then they could ever be, they were selfish and it is not our fault " he cupped her puffy cheeks and smiled gently "say it with me, it is not our fault."

Luna tried to control her breathing and hiccuped "I-it is not our Fault" she whispered, Nathan wiped her tears then kissed her forehead, "come on let's get you back to bed" he helped her up and tugged her gently towards her bed, she crawled on to her bed and pulled the covers over her body

Nathan stayed for a bit making sure she was alright before turning to leave, twisting the doorknob he opened the door

"Nathan" Luna asked, Nathan paused and turned to her, the hallway lighting the room, her puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks were visible on the slightly dimmed lighted room

"Yeah?" Nathan hummed to acknowledge that he heard her

"I love you big brother" she whispered, and turned on her side to sleep.

Nathan smiled at her muttering a 'I love you too' then shut the door

/////// the Cullen's POV////////

Carlisle clutched his chest when he suddenly felt a pain in his chest

Carlisle locked eyes with jasper. Who shook his head confused when he felt it too but nobody in the room was feeling in a bad mood he noticed as he checked their emotions the one that stood out the most was confusión

Carlisle's eyes widened. When he realized that could only mean one thing

Their mate was hurting

I'm really happy with this chapter but what do you guys think about it?

I love how protective Nathan is 💙
Thank you guys so much for reading and those who commented or let me know what you think of this book.

You guys are awesome!
Stay gorgeous babes💙

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