And he felt the exact same. She was his everything, he could never have known to wish for. From bad girl, to his girl.

My Bby girl: get to school. Don't be late

She ordered, causing him to roll his eyes and smile. His cute little Beta. He was still getting lessons on his new life, his new culture.

The training part explained why Abagail had gone to the gym so often.

His mate was toned and could throw him over her shoulder, she had done so on many occasions. Especially around Holly Hammond. Funnily enough, he had become good friends with Holly, much to his mates horror. But she respected them both. They got on well and Abagail only let him do it because it was what he wanted. And even though she was sour, she sat beside him silent and patiently whenever he and Holly hung out. But as soon as she left Abagail would kiss his mark so he knew who he belonged to. And that she had promised to deliver Holly's head on a plate. He wagered her testosterone level and werewolf status made her territorial.

"Danny, can you drive me to school?" Christopher piped up from the door. His brother's cheery tone made Daniel freeze through mid-packing of his school bag.

His parents had taken Christopher to so many doctors, therapist and more that they had lost count. But none of them could explain Christopher completely losing his entire PDD. And he was making the most of it, free of the voices that haunted him or the drugs that lulled him. He was happy. Happier than Daniel had ever seen him, in years.

"Sure." Daniel agreed. Quickly finishing some Maths homework that was due today, he rushed through the last few questions.

"You know that these rooms aren't sound proof. I snuck out to get a snack and I heard you two," Christopher leaned against the door frame smirking at his brother. "You two are actually disgusting," He teased, watching Daniel roll his eyes, as he gagged.

"Just shut your face,and don't tell Mum," Daniel said, pointing his finger at his btother. If his Mum found out, she would probably buy condoms, and he would have to either accept them and have no use for them, or tell his Mother that he and Abagail weren't preventing having a baby. They didn't, hopefully, have to worry about diseases. But Abagail did enjoy the odd protected sex here and there, it made them feel like normal teenagers. He was ripped from his thoughts as Christopher called out for their Dad. He never said not to tell dad. "Dang it, Chris," He chased his brother down the stairs, their Mother looking up.

"Well... It's usually the other way around, whatever boys," Their Mother chuckled, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear. She meant Christopher was usually the one in pursuit of Daniel. He fit in so well with this family, no wonder no one picked up on him being adopted. His Father walked out with a plate of pancakes and sat it infront of the two boys.

Daniel was the only person in this house who knew the truth. About werewolves. About Abagail. That he knew about. And he wanted to keep it that way for a while, to avoid the problems and questions. They loved and accepted Abagail.

They were confused when Meèla reappeared into the picture, her cover story was practically true. Jim had kept her captive all these years in the old firing range, but they saved her. Daniel knew Clarence had got away, that all his Father's hunting friends vanished. The only question is, where to?

That is what Abagail and her pack were doing, looking for.

He had watched her in a meeting once. Caden, her and a few boys and girls from their school, hunched over a map. Their faces etched with serious expressions that he had never seen before. Daniel could see why Abagail wanted to keep him from her world for a little longer. He was her escape, from growing up like this.

But her position dragged her away on buisness a lot. Dragged her away from him. Sometimes for hours, or days.

"You boys better behave at school, and tell Abby I say Hi, and that she can join us for breakfast next time," Their Mother kissed them both on the cheek before picking up her brief case, ready to go to work. Daniel could only stand frozen emplace.

Christopher snorted, pulling the stack of roughly ten pancakes towards himself. Daniel snorted, angrily yanking it back.

"Dad gave this to us to share," he snapped, narrowing his eyes. Christopher held his eye contact. After a while, he slowly let go of the plate, letting it settle between them. The domiant sibling balance was thrown.

Daniel let his eyes trail to his phone, where he waited for Abagail to text him. He knew she was shifted, and had to get ready for school, but he loved hearing from her. He wanted to be involved with everything she does, and her him. Wanting to start a serious life with her was what he was looking for. What encouraged him, was that after school, he had a whole life with Abagail, where older people didn't snap at them to stop holding hands.

He was ready to start a life with her, and everything that came with it.

Her Human Heart (book 2) HHMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon