The Drummer's Sister: Chapter XIII

Start from the beginning

"Well, good morning sunshine," the voice said in a soft whisper. I instantly recognized it and a burst of energy emerged from me. I sat up and rested my back on the head board of my bed.

"Paul!! My Higga Nigga!" I answered enthusiastically. "And it's not even morning yet! It's still fucking dark outside!" I joked.

"Alright Elle, if you can call me Higga Nigga, then I should most definitely be allowed to call you Eloise," he teased. I heard him chuckle. Paul and I had become really close whilst on tour. Even though he didn't show it much, I know it was hard for him to see me go. He was like my second father, only he treated me better than my real dad ever did.

"Don't even!" I joked. I heard him laugh on the other end of the line. "So, what's up? Why are you calling me at midnight?" I asked. Why was he calling me at such an odd time? 12 o'clock minus five hours, meant that it was 7 at night in Florida.

"Ah, yes. Don't tell any of the lads, okay?" he asked lowering the volume of his voice. "It's a complete and total surprise. Sort of like my gift to them for having such a badass tour in America," he said. Oh yeah, and I've been teaching Paul to swear more. It's actually coming along pretty well. "And I know it'll really make them happy."

"Yeah, okay Paul, get on with it. Why are you calling me?!" I asked getting more and more impatient.

"I want you to come fly out to Ft. Lauderdale... tomorrow, well err, it's really more like today for you... I think. Ugh these damn time differences are pissing me off! The point is I want you to be in Florida by Friday evening for the last show," he said, point blank.

"But why?" I asked, still a bit confused on the whole situation.

"You're the surprise! You're gonna surprise the lads at their last show of the tour!" he said in all excitement. "Please, love, say you'll come! That will be your present to me for letting you stay on tour with us as long as you did..." he teased. 

"Oh shut up Higga Nigga! But HOLY FUCKING SHITBALLS PAUL!! Of course I'll go!" I said as I jumped up and down on my bed like a complete and utter fool. I didn't even care if it woke up the other residents in my building. 

"Woah Elle! Calm yourself, I can practically hear you jumping up and down in your flat. Relax. Your flight leaves Heathrow in the morning at 8:30, please for the love of all things good, be on time," Paul said playing up the dad role.

"Yeah, yeah," I said still beaming at the fact that I got to see my boys! I fell on the bed and made a big thud.

"And don't forget, this is a secret! Josh doesn't even know, okay. So don't blow it!" he ordered.

"Now it's your turn to relax Paul. It'll be fine, I can keep a secret. I've got to get packing, but tell the boys I love them, even Josh too. Bye Paul!" and with that I hung up so I could pack all my shit. I couldn't even begin to contain my excitement. I had barely eight hours to pack all my stuff. Challenge accepted. I hopped off of my bed and ran into the closest I grabbed my luggage and a bunch of clothes and smashed it inside. This was gonna be a long night.


As I sat my arse comfortably on the seat of the airplane, I felt my mobile buzz. Could it be a text from my extremely attractive world-famous boyfriend? I looked down at the glass screen. Hazza <3 Indeed it was. It read:

Hello my gorgeous. The bus just arrived at our hotel... at 3 in the morning, and we have a show tonight. Fuck. But it's the last one of the tour. Wish you were here. Love you baby. Xx

Oh Hazza, I wish I was there too. But what Harry doesn't know that the plane I was currently sitting in was headed from London Heathrow Airport directly to Ft. Lauderdale, in one direction, if I may say so myself. I chuckled to myself at my own stupidity. I texted back before turning off my mobile.

I know baby, I wish I was there too. Good luck tonight! Get some sleep first though. And tell the boys I love them. And of course don't forget, I love you most. xx

I turned my mobile off and put in gently into my purse before pulling out my iPod. I put my headphones into my ears so I could listen to the wonderfully soothing sound of my lads singing Moments. Seven hours and I would be landed in Ft. Lauderdale to see my baby. I smiled at the thought that soon enough I could hear their gorgeous voices and see their smiling faces. Before I knew it, my eyes had shut and I was sleeping.


Hellooo my lovelies :) sorry it's so short!! Gonna work on the last chapter tonight, I reaaaaally really wanna have it up soon! Can you believe this story is so close to finishing?! Ahhh, thanks to everyone who's read it so far!! I have ideas for new stories so no worries. Much love babes. Xx


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